Be Heard, Be Supported, Be Grounded

Welcome to Anchor Counselling our counsellor walks side by side within the journey. Maybe you are seeking healing from a place of pain or want to increase understanding. Maybe you are feeling quite good at times but notice a need to explore whether stepping into therapy is a added support.

Wherever you are at right now, you don’t need to go it alone

Meet Alison, who is bringing a secure, respectful place.

“Recovering from trauma with kindness is what I value. Not just to recover but to flourish in life through a struggling is best done together, I have experienced this myself. “No matter what stage of life you or a loved one is in. Working with your best outcome is to be achieved”.

What difference would you hope for if we met? I am confident that together you will discover improvement as we walk together in your preferred future.

Check out more Details

Anchor in times of storm, bringing hope and healing.

Anchor Counselling

Western Australian, Perth based counselling. Meet us face to face, online or Phone 0405 33 0264.