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(03) 8579 0958

Dr Sushen Naidoo

A progressive and open minded specialist looking after Pregnancy,
Birth and Women’s Health from one generation to the next.

With a warm and caring collaborative approach, Dr.Sush lives and breathes his passion for looking after families, parents and their new born baby.

Dr.Sush uses an agile learning mindset to innovate in delivering babies and works with his patient's choices in personalising their birthing experience.


I believe it is a privilege to help bring the next generation of your family safely into this world. The time spent with my patients and their kids is highly valued.



My vision is to foster lasting relationships and be involved in the care of families long after delivering their babies. My consultations are meaningful, supportive, open minded and above all about my patients. I have a passion for holistic and individualised care. Every parent’s journey is different, hence my goal is to create connections that can speak to every generation.



Obstetrics for me is about JOY. The Joy of seeing that first scan, hearing that first heart beat, meeting this new person that has been growing inside you, and the joy of realising that this moment is only the beginning. This is why I am an Obstetrician.



We look after generations of women from birth and beyond with expertise in the following:
Endoscopic Surgery

Specialising in Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain, Prophylactic Cancer Surgery.


Cervical Screening
Recognition and Treatment of Abnormal Pap Smears, Colposcopy, LLETZ.


Special interest in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - PCOS working in collaboration with Complimentary Medicine Practitioners.


Expertise in primary and secondary infertility, hormonal profiling and male factor assessment.


Laparoscopic assessment and treatment of endometriosis.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovulation enhancement and Pre-IVF work up.


Special interest in natural and complementary approaches, working in collaboration with
Fertile Ground Health Group

Warm and caring expert medical care

Natural Birth
Special interest in normal physiological vaginal birth and can offer support for vaginal birth after caesarian (VBAC) and twin pregnancies.


Holistic Care
Consideration of the complete person, physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually, in the management of their fertility, pregnancy and beyond. Patient education and support for post natal depression and anxiety, with a collaborative multidisciplinary team.


Collaborative Care
Open minded and collaborative relationship with natural and complementary medicine support in pregnancy:


Healthy minds

Pregnancy is a powerful and life-changing experience for women and men. It can stir up some strong, deep and unexpected emotions and issues. Hence experiencing Anxiety or Depression is SUPER common.


Around 80% of mothers will experience over whelming emotions or “Baby Blues”, in the first week or two, due to hormonal changes, the weight of expectation being over or the challenge of being a new parent.


1 in 7 (16%) will have these feeling develop into more significant Anxiety or Depression lasting longer than the initial 2 weeks. Those with a history of anxiety or depression are at higher risk.


The psychological impact of infertility, pelvic pain and endometriosis cannot be taken lightly. This frustration and heart break place a huge burden on both parents. There is something to be said for remaining positive and a holistic approach to a couples fertility issues can play an integral part in successful outcomes.


Dr.Sush Healthy Minds shares the stories surrounding parents and kids. Watch a selection of videos from our You Tube Channel that you may find useful. 

My Channel

My Channel

My Channel
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Post Natal Depression

Post Natal Depression

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How To Calm A Crying Baby

How To Calm A Crying Baby

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Endo & Us Official Trailer

Endo & Us Official Trailer

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Dads need love too

Pregnancy, birth and beyond can also be stressful for fathers. The pressure of supporting your partner while caring for a new born can be invisible at the best of times.


Around 1 in 10 men experience depression during their partner's pregnancy or after their baby is born.


Useful Links


Music can inspire you, motivate you, calm you, put you in the zone, capture the moment or perfectly convey an emotion.


Did you play music for your baby through headphones on your Belly?


Are you preparing a playlist for birthing? What's the best song for your baby to Be Born To? I have created a playlist of more than 130 songs.


To make this playlist the song had to:

- Sound Amazing​

- Be worthy of a 'SONG TO BE BORN TO'
- Reference baby birth or parenting

- Help connect you and your family to JOY

Click below to access Birth Beats by dr.sush.


To access the full playlist you will need an Apple iTunes or Spotify account.

Birth Beats by dr.sush

Contact Us

Melbourne Mothers

69 Flemington Road, North Melbourne

Complete Children's Health

760 Old Calder Highway, Keilor

Phone 03 8579 0958

Fax 03 8513 6246


Epworth Freemasons

Suite 106, 320 Victoria Parade

East Melbourne

Phone 03 9418 8386

Fax 03 9418 8399


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Delivering Joy

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