End Of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

We are your trusted partner for professional end of lease cleaning Melbourne. With our dedicated and expert bond cleaners team, we specialise in delivering top-notch bond cleaning or vacate cleaning services tailored to meet the highest standards set by landlords. Available 7 days a week.

GET QUOTE0413 298 622

end of lease cleaning Melbourne

Professional Vacate Cleaning Melbourne

Need an end-of-lease clean in Melbourne? Whether it’s a vacate clean or bond cleaning service, call any day of the week at 0413 298 622 for a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Our trained and verified local cleaners ensure you receive your full deposit back with our bond cleaning service, preparing your property for real estate agent approval.

We offer a 72-hour guarantee with a free re-clean if needed. For affordable vacate cleaning with a bond back guarantee.

We understand that every property is unique, so we offer tailor-made cleaning solutions to suit your specific needs and budget. Whether you need a basic end of lease clean or a deep cleaning service, we have you covered.

We take pride in our exceptional customer service and guarantee your satisfaction with our work.

Don’t risk losing your bond due to a lack of attention to detail! Contact Bright End of Lease Cleaning in Melbourne today, and let us handle the cleaning so you can focus on your move.

Move-out Cleaning with 100% Bond Back Guarantee

Get End of lease cleaning in Melbourne with Bond Back Guarantee! Trained & verified local cleaners.

Vacate Cleaning with 100% BOND BACK Guarantee

Whether you’re searching for bond cleaning Melbourne, vacate cleaning Melbourne, or move-out cleaning Melbourne, our team has you covered. Our professional cleaners are highly trained and experienced in delivering thorough and efficient cleaning services to meet the highest standards. We bring years of extensive experience in providing unmatched move-out cleaning services to our clients.

House End Of Lease Cleaning

House Cleaning

Our house cleaning services ensure your home is spotless, hygienic, and welcoming. Trust our experienced team to deliver a pristine environment tailored to your needs.

Office Vacate Cleaning Melbourne

Office Cleaning

Our office cleaning services create a clean and productive workspace, enhancing the professional image of your business. Rely on our skilled team for a consistently immaculate and healthy office environment.

Carpet Bond Cleaning Melbourne

Carpet Cleaning

Our carpet cleaning services rejuvenate your carpets, removing deep-seated dirt and stains for a fresh, clean look. Trust our experts to enhance the appearance and longevity of your carpets.

Window End Of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

Window Cleaning

Our window cleaning offerings make certain crystal-clear, streak-loose windows that brighten your space. Depend on our professionals for a spotless and polished finish on every occasion.

How to Book Melbourne End of Lease Cleaning

Explore local cleaning services and read reviews to find a reputable provider.
Get Quotes
Contact multiple cleaning companies for quotes based on your property size and requirements.
Choose a convenient date and time for your cleaning appointment.
Confirm Details:
Provide necessary information to the cleaning company, including address and specific cleaning requests.
Arrange payment method and finalise the booking.
Ensure the cleaning team has access to the property on the scheduled date.


Review the property after cleaning to ensure satisfaction and address any concerns.

end of lease cleaning Melbourne

Trusted & Local End of Lease Cleaners in Melbourne

Trusted and local end of lease cleaners in Melbourne guarantee your bond return with their top-notch services. Specialising in Melbourne’s top end of lease cleaning, they ensure every corner of your property is spotless and ready for inspection. Their trained and verified local cleaners excel in thorough house cleaning, including meticulous bathroom and kitchen cleaning. With a 100% bond back guarantee, you can move out with peace of mind, knowing your property meets the highest standards. Choose Melbourne End of Lease Cleaning for reliable, professional, and detailed cleaning services that ensure your full bond return and a smooth transition.

The Process of End of Lease Cleaning

It is a meticulous process that requires attention to detail and thoroughness. In Melbourne, professional cleaning companies offer comprehensive cleaning services to ensure that properties are returned to their original condition.

Assessing the Property

The first step in the cleaning process is to assess the property and identify areas that require special attention. Professional cleaners inspect the property to determine the extent of cleaning required and any areas that may need repairs or maintenance.

Developing a Cleaning Plan

Based on the assessment, a detailed cleaning plan is developed to address the specific needs of the property. The plan outlines the tasks to be performed, the cleaning products and equipment required, and the estimated time for completion.

Performing the Cleaning

Once the cleaning plan is in place, the professional cleaners begin the process of cleaning the property. This involves deep cleaning all surfaces, removing dirt, grime, and stains, and ensuring that the property is left in pristine condition.

Quality Assurance

After the cleaning is complete, a final inspection is conducted to ensure that all cleaning tasks have been completed to the highest standards. Any areas that do not meet the required standards are addressed, ensuring that the property is ready for inspection by the landlord or property manager.

Benefits of Hiring Professional End of Lease Cleaning Services

While some tenants may attempt to perform themselves, hiring professional cleaning services in Melbourne offers several benefits.


It is a time-consuming process that requires significant effort and attention to detail. By hiring professional cleaners, tenants can save time and focus on other aspects of moving out, such as packing and organizing.

Experience cleaners

Professional cleaners have the expertise and experience to tackle even the toughest cleaning jobs. They are familiar with the requirements and know how to ensure that properties are returned to their original condition.

Eco Friendly Products

Professional cleaning companies use specialised equipment and cleaning products to achieve superior results. They have access to high-quality cleaning agents that are effective in removing stubborn stains and dirt, ensuring that the property looks its best.

Re-clean Guarantee

We are so confident in our service that we offer a 7 days free re-clean guarantee in case your landlord or property manager has a complaint.


By hiring professional cleaning services, tenants can have peace of mind knowing that the property will be cleaned to the highest standards. This reduces the risk of disputes with landlords or property managers and increases the likelihood of receiving a full bond back.

7 days a week

Our bond cleaning service is accessible every day of the week in Melbourne. Choose a convenient date and time for your booking and experience our exceptional customer service firsthand.

Choosing the Right End of Lease Cleaning Service in Melbourne

With numerous cleaning companies offering bond cleaning services in Melbourne, choosing the right one can be challenging. However, there are several factors to consider when making your decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to know more details about our bond cleaning services, please read our FAQ given below.
If you still require more information about our services, call 0413 298 622.

What is End of Lease cleaning?

End-of-lease cleaning, also known as bond cleaning or vacate cleaning, is a thorough cleaning process conducted when tenants move out of a rental property. It aims to restore the property to its original condition as specified in the lease agreement, ensuring it is clean and ready for the next occupants.

How long does an End of Lease clean take?

The duration of an end of lease clean depends on factors such as the size and condition of the property. On average, it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours for a standard-sized property. However, larger or more heavily soiled properties may require additional time.

Can you guarantee bond return after end-of-lease cleaning?

While reputable cleaning service providers strive to deliver high-quality results, they cannot guarantee the return of the bond deposit. However, they may offer a satisfaction guarantee and rectify any issues if necessary.

Where do you offer end of lease cleaning services in Melbourne?

We offer end of lease cleaning services throughout Melbourne and its surrounding suburbs. Our team is equipped to handle properties of all sizes and types, ensuring a thorough and efficient cleaning process.

Are walls included in your service?

Yes, our end of lease cleaning service typically includes cleaning of walls, including spot cleaning and removal of marks or stains. However, extensive wall cleaning may incur additional charges.

Is mould removal included in your services for cleaning walls or ceilings?

Yes, mould removal is included in our end of lease cleaning services for walls or ceilings. Our team uses effective cleaning solutions and techniques to eradicate mould and mildew, leaving the surfaces clean and hygienic.

Do you provide cleaning materials and equipment?

Yes, we provide all the necessary cleaning materials and equipment for our end of lease cleaning services. Our team uses high-quality products and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure optimal results.

How much does End of Lease cleaning cost?

The cost of end of lease cleaning varies depending on factors such as the size of the property, its condition, and any additional services required. Typically, prices are based on a fixed rate or hourly rate. It’s best to request a quote from a cleaning service provider for an accurate estimate.

What should I do to prepare for an end-of-lease cleaning?

To prepare for an end-of-lease cleaning, it’s advisable to declutter and remove personal belongings from the property. Ensure access to all areas and provide any specific instructions or requirements to the cleaning service provider.

How do I book an end-of-lease cleaning service?

Booking an end-of-lease cleaning service is simple. You can contact a cleaning service provider directly through their website or phone number to schedule an appointment. Be sure to provide details such as the property size and any specific requirements.

What happens if you miss cleaning certain areas or if they are not up to standard?

If certain areas are missed or not up to standard, reputable cleaning service providers will rectify the issue promptly. They may offer a satisfaction guarantee and revisit the property to address any concerns.

Do you clean light fittings as part of your service?

Yes, cleaning of light fittings is usually included as part of our end of lease cleaning service. We ensure that all light fittings are dusted, wiped, and left sparkling clean.

How do you clean carpets?

We employ professional carpet cleaning methods such as steam cleaning or dry cleaning to effectively clean carpets. Our cleaning process removes dirt, stains, and odors, leaving your carpets fresh and revitalised.

Do you clean windows from the outside?

Yes, exterior window cleaning is typically included as part of our end of lease cleaning service. Our team safely accesses and cleans exterior windows to enhance the overall cleanliness of the property.

Book Your End of Lease Cleaning Service in Melbourne Today!

Don’t leave your bond refund to chance. Hire professional end of lease cleaning services in Melbourne to ensure that your property is returned to its original condition. Contact us today to book your cleaning service and experience a stress-free move-out process.