20 Apr 2024
I'm 73 and have owned my Handy Pulse Laser since 2022. I work on my farm property alone, and I find the laser incredibly helpful for treating myself without having to travel into town.
It keeps me doing what I love - looking after my stock animals. I've found the laser extremely useful for a range of conditions, from earaches and neck pain to upper arm tendonitis and bursitis in my shoulder.
If I address the early signs of an ache or pain after working on the farm, I experience great relief with the laser which helps prevent the pain from becoming chronic, and I don't have to take painkillers, which I know aren't good for me. The only time I find it doesn't work is when I don't follow the treatment guidelines in the user guide or I stop using the laser!
16 Apr 2024
I really, really like the Handy Pulse Laser and appreciate that it gives patients the freedom and power to manage many of their ailments at home. For me, personally, it’s a blessing because, although I am an acupuncturist, I can’t treat my own back very well. So, I love the laser holder, which allows me to treat that area.
13 Dec 2022
The laser has helped my German Shepherd dog to maintain walking and helps reduce inflammation, cell repair, and nerve regeneration, therefore managing her conditions of hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, and arthritis.
She is 12 yrs old and I appreciate the extra time I have with her, but even more to see her enjoy playing with animals on tv, her pain eased greatly, she is happy. I realise her conditions have no cure, but without your device's help, her time here would have been shorter.
I most certainly recommenď this business. They have been more than helpful and obliging in answering my questions regarding the Pulse Cold Laser device. The device has been a blessing for me. I used it on my neck and it stopped vertigo after two treatment sessions. I have not had vertigo since. I used it to ease scoliosis/arthritic pain in my spine and found I can move more freely and the pain has decreased greatly. This I believe will improve more as I continue to use the device. I am amazed at the success I experience from the Pulse Cold Laser and strongly recommend purchasing it. There are no cheap parts, this device is constructed with German & Israel parts, made to last. As you look after your Pulse Cold Laser device, it will last a long time, saving lots of money on other treatments and avoiding living on pain medication. A wonderful investment. Use it at home is so convenient.
24 Sep 2022
I adore this clinic. thanks so much for helping me with my spinal pain.
12 May 2022
celeste-t from Gordon
so happy i found this business. thankyou
28 Mar 2022
I have had some success with treating lymphedema in my arm, though l have not yet received detailed instructions.
I have also found it useful for my hands after recently receiving new instructions.
I am happy with my purchase.
21 Feb 2022
With Bursitis in both shoulders plus a bit of ligament damage in my right one, it was very painful, and I was unable to get my right arm above my shoulder which made it extreme difficulty dressing and doing chores. I needed help to dress.
After 3 weeks of visits to my local physiotherapist here in New Zealand and performing the exercises he gave me, there was no real improvement and he said it will likely take many months. At this stage, I also went for hip operation and was on crutches afterwards, so the bursitis made things very painful indeed.
My granddaughter, a physiotherapist in Sydney put me onto the Handy Cure laser. I had not heard of them here in New Zealand, so sent for one. Its money well spent as far as I’m concerned.
Using the pulse laser in conjunction with the exercises I was doing, I could soon get my arm about my head and after a few weeks all pain was gone, and full mobility was restored. I have had mine for in excess of 3 month now and without it would have still had shoulder issues.
I still need to use it occasionally on one shoulder and relief is generally immediate. I was so impressed with it, I even bought a second one for my daughter who had a need.
Bill G.
New Zealand
15 Dec 2021
My experience with the Handy Pulse Laser has been extremely positive. I have been dealing with chronic lymphoedema, and associated fibrotic areas in my finger, fibrosis from radiation treatment, plus cording following surgery for breast cancer.
I am now 6 weeks in from using the laser 3 times/ week as directed by my therapist, and I have seen a big improvement in all affected areas. My skin is more pliable around my torso, the cording less restrictive, and my fibrotic finger much softer. My L-Dex lymphoedema score has also dropped.
I am very happy with the device, and I’m interested and hopeful that I will continue to improve, reducing the frequency of use to once a week. I highly recommend this device, and I believe it could be a significant tool for the management of breast cancer treatment related issues.
07 Dec 2021
I bought the "Handy Pulse Laser" as I have used similar equipment in the past as a sports masseur/trainer
More than happy to use this treatment at home, my wife and I have used the Laser many times.
It is an extremely effective and affordable form of pain relief.
I would both highly recommend this treatment being affordable and easy to use, with no side effects at all.
01 Dec 2021
I only have used it a few times. To which i found it taking away the soreness..after one go..and when i get abit sore again i get releaf once again..
30 Nov 2021
My Maxillofacial Surgeon recommended this device for my TMJ pain. Life changing would be an understatement. If you take any pain relief medications - you should have this device. It absolutely works in my TMJ pain management. I also used this device to help with Ehlers Danlos issues. It is worth every single cent.
13 Jul 2021
Bought one of these as our elderly cat suffers from arthritis and IBD , so been using it on her. She is not limping as much, and able to climb up on things with more ease. Also use it on myself and my daughter as we both suffer from fibromyalgia, endometriosis, bursitis and I also have arthritis. Been a huge help to all of us, and I am so glad I bought it.
05 Jul 2021
I had an IT Band issue
The pulse laser is remarkable
It hung around for weeks though I used the lazor and within 2 days perfect
I’ve used it previously for a ankle sprain again relief
Di Edwards
30 Jun 2021
I used my new Pulse Laser on my sore neck. I had been on quite a few visits to the physio to relieve it earlier on in the year and I had made it sore again. I got it back to feeling pretty good after the third day of treating it.
On the fourth day I think I treated it one more time than needed (that’s my theory) and set it back. I was really sore that night (and had not changed my routine). But I left it alone after that and it came good about a day later, without me having to treat it again.
I also used it on my very skeptical partner, who had pulled a muscle and was expecting to be out of his sport for a few weeks, but he was able to play again within about a week and was feeling fine.
13 Jun 2021
The Pulse Laser is so easy to use and quickly reduces long term pain. I have had problems with nerve pain in my hip and knee and the machine has really helpful. My husband has used it with good effect on a frozen shoulder injury. I have also used it on our ageing cat with great success. Mr Max is much more mobile than he was beforehand.
10 Jun 2021
Great Product!
We have used the Pulse Laser for several ailments.
*Achilles Tendinitis: Fifteen minutes a day reduced the pain significantly. Continued daily use has almost erased the pain.
*Repetitive Strain Injury to right shoulder, arm and wrist: Fifteen minutes a day has reduced the pain and discomfort significantly enabling restful sleep.
*Unsuccessful Knee Replacement: It's slow progress, but two 45 minute treatments a day continue to be helpful.
10 Jun 2021
My wife used the laser for mucositis and had good success in healing the sores. A practitioner showed her where to use the Pulse Laser with the acupuncture probe on acupuncture points. She used it on a daily basis for oral mucositis and on other points in her body.
08 Jun 2021
I purchased a Pulse Laser to assist with treatment of cording that I had in my arm and torso after mastectomy and full lymph node clearance. Soon after purchase, I injured the tendons in my shoulder. I have used the Pulse Laser for the cording, lymphoedema and to treat my shoulder. The most dramatic improvement was in my shoulder, it reduced the pain significantly and the range of movement is improving.
I have had a swollen foot for 9 years, went to many doctors and specialists with x-rays and scans performed, with no diagnosis of what caused the swelling. I decided to try the Pulse Laser on the top of my foot with excellent results. The swelling in my foot has improved dramatically, much to my surprise and delight.
A bout of sciatica about 2 years ago left me with pain and discomfort so I used the Pulse Laser on my back, there was improvement in this area also.
07 Jun 2021
I am aged 71 now but maybe two to three years ago I purchased my Pulse Laser. I had torn my meniscus and was always in pain. I saw an orthopaedic specialist and he trimmed the meniscus and cleaned up the arthritis in my knee as well. Before the operation he said to me that he didn't expect my knee to be any better after the procedure.
I ran into a friend after the operation who told me he had had the same operation and that he had purchased a Pulse Laser and his knee was now very good. When I went back to my surgeon and mentioned the Pulse Laser to him he more or less said that there was no proof that they worked.
However I was still limping and had pain in my knee so I decided to buy the Pulse Laser. I used it as instructed by my friend but it took between six and twelve months before it really started to make a difference.
I actually stopped limping and could walk without pain. I still use it as my knee does get a little sore now and again. I had stopped playing tennis when I injured my knee but can now have a game if I desire. I have no doubts that the Pulse Laser can be very effective in treating all the types of injuries.
07 Jun 2021
The Pulse Laser has been invaluable for any aches and pains myself, my patients or my family members have. It’s easy to transport and use, so is my choice of low level light therapy by far to date! Thanks for such a great service and unit.
04 Jun 2021
I am having good results with the Pulse Laser. I am using it for pain relief associated with torn meniscus in both knees. I have also loaned the device to a friend for tennis elbow, and he reports some relief.
04 Jun 2021
My experience with using the laser is very encouraging and positive. I have mostly focused on healing around a large surgical wound. It has helped me with feeling less pain and discomfort.
I have used the laser on an old injury with my foot. The pain is now at a 2 and I no longer feel a burning sensation at night.
I am using the laser on my inner arm to increase healing in my blood. I am not sure if there is any improvement as I would need to do blood tests to compare with previous results.
I am very pleased with my experience with the laser. I would highly recommend the laser to help the healing process and pain from surgery. The laser is far superior in terms of pain relief to the pharmaceutical drugs often prescribed by the medical professionals.
31 May 2021
I bought it for my knee pain. I used it continuously for 3 months and the MRI showed my knee injury had healed. A very good product.
28 May 2021
I received the laser promptly and found it very beneficial for my lymphodema and still use on a weekly basis
28 May 2021
I bought the handy cure laser to treat my Bell's palsy. Company delivered the device in about 3-4 days after my diagnosis. This condition can last for over a year and can result in a permanent damage in the nerves. I used it 3 times a day for the first month and my condition improved to about 75 percent. and second month to about 95 percent and now 3 months time, back to normal. I can say it helped a lot to repair damage to the nerves and can highly recommend to give this device a go. Don't buy the cheap stuff from eBay, get this handy cure laser and give it a go even on muscle pain etc. Do yourself and your body a favour, get this device...
27 May 2021
Pulse Laser Relief company was very prompt and professional in recommending what I needed to relief me of pain and discomfort, regarding my tongue that had attached itself to scar tissue on my throat wall, near to where my cancer infested tonsil was removed.
I personally recommend only applying the Laser Relief unit if you have been given the all clear of any cancerous tissue around the area you want to apply the unit too.
24 Jan 2021
I initially bought the handy cure laser to treat a wound on my rescued greyhound’s back after a sebaceous cyst burst and a drainage tube was inserted. After the tube was removed there was some skin die off and fairly nasty wound. Greyhound skin is extremely delicate and we were really pleased how quickly the wound healed. We continue to use on him whenever he has tight muscles or sore spots on paws.
I’ve been using the pulse laser on myself for general joint and muscle pain. I especially find it provides relief on my (mouse) elbow and neck after too many hours on the computer (40+ hours a week for work.
13 Nov 2020
It is very useful and have to be regular in using it. Definitely reduces pain levels in my knee.
13 Nov 2020
My shoulder relief from inflammation is 95%, I can now sleep on it. My broken ankle Inflammation relief is 98%. Best home treatment on the market.
13 Nov 2020
Sue has been using it for shingles pain and migraine pain It has been brilliant It goes wherever we go Won't go anywhere without it.
Best investment we have made.
02 Aug 2020
Had amazing results using the "Handy Pulse Laser" to treat my shoulder (bursitis, labral cartilage tear and tendonitis). Pain had reduced from the first use and I am getting more movement in the joint over time. Have also used it to reduce pain in knee with osteoarthritis and cartilage damage - again, reduction in pain from the first use. Highly recommended
05 Jun 2020
All my questions about the Pulse Laser Relief were answered, patiently by Stuart.
Can't wait to receive my new toy.
Professional company., highly recommended.
Thank you
04 Jun 2020
MSmorgs from Malvern East
I bought the "Handy Pulse Laser"
as I had been receiving Laser Treatments at a Clinic that had closed due to COVID-19.
I am delighted to have this treatment available to me at home, to use anytime.
It is an extremely effective and affordable form of pain relief.
I would both highly recommend this treatment as being affordable, easy to use, non-toxic, and with no side effects.
10 Jan 2020
I have severe shoulder pain that used to wake me from a sleep. Thanks to the pulse laser, this has not happened for almost three weeks now. I have yet to try the laser on other pain areas but at least I am taking less pain killers and my sleep is not disturbed. BIG difference!!
22 Oct 2019
I had 24 hr sciatic pain for 3 years and tried acupuncture,chiropractic ,massage , meditation to try and fix it . The pulse laser worked straight away and took little time to cure me . I have recommended the laser to several friends who have all experienced relief for their various ailments. I have just bought one for my brother I am so happy with the product
09 Oct 2019
I bought the Handy Cure for my husband who has suffered for years from generalised muscle pain in his shoulders, knees, ankles, thumbs and neck. Over time he has tried various treatments and pain medication with little improvement but as a last resort he tried Cold Laser treatment at the doctor's. He found it gave him some relief straight away with no side effects but his doctor advised him to get a machine that he could use at home whenever he wanted as he had so many painful areas. Since his purchase and use he has improved dramatically and we would both highly recommend this treatment as being affordable, easy to use, non toxic and with no side effects.
04 Oct 2019
This company has made it possible (affordable) for my patients to access a non DRUG , non TOXIC form of healing and in the process runs a professional and responsive service company.
03 Oct 2019
Totally awesome! Has really helped my fibromyalgia pain and chronic headaches. Highly recommend this therapy.
13 May 2019
The Handy Cure S’ alleviated pain associated with bursitis in my hip, keeping me mobile when I otherwise wouldn’t have been. It also helped to relieve pain associated with a long-standing injury to the Vastus (Lateralis) muscle in my thigh that made climbing stairs excruciating.
I have found the pulse laser to be particularly effective with muscle and soft tissue problems, but a friend has had good results in treating migraine too. It's not an instant cure and requires regularly treatment, so do persist. I noticed improvements after only a few days and have since bought a second one for a friend.
I would certainly recommend this product and Pulse Laser Relief, whose communication and service is excellent.
03 May 2019
In 2014 I had a total knee replacement, it was not a success. The following year I had an Arthroscopy to clear the scar tissue, the improvement was minimal. In 2017, my knee was opened completely & the scar tissue was removed. This also was not successful. Due to pushing myself to exercise, I experienced a rupture in my Achilles Tendon, which was also painful. I have been experiencing a lot of pain at night, sitting for any period of time & unable to bend or straighten my leg satisfactorily. I was introduced to Pulse Laser Relief by a friend. I was most reluctant initially, but could not believe the improvement it has made in my life. The swelling has gone, I have no night pain, sitting in the car for long periods is no longer a problem. My flexibility has improved slightly. This small device has made my life so much easier. Thank you.
01 May 2019
I use the laser to release chronic muscle tension and it's been fantastic. I suffer with frequent back pain and the laser has been excellent for muscle release. I definitely noticed the effect after a couple of weeks.
Also great for travel; I've had no trouble taking it with me in my carry-on luggage. Useful to treat pain when on the go.
Excellent service from the company too, quick postage and great customer service. Definitely recommend.
15 Apr 2019
marioc from Ormond
I have found the Handy Cure Super Pulsed Laser very beneficial for my aches and pains!
It's not something that happens overnight but it happens!
I found when treating my migraines I used the maximum intensity because I tried the 50HZ it didn't do much, I was desperate for pain relief and tried 5HZ the pain relief was almost immediate!
Each person and individual is different so you cannot tailor laser therapy to the one size fits all approach. It doesn't work for everyone!
I have been undergoing laser therapy treatment for 10 years so I know that it works.
That's before I decided to take the plunge and purchase the Handy Cure Super Pulsed Laser device myself because I wanted the freedom to treat myself whenever I was in pain and not drive to my doctor’s clinic being stuck in traffic. More the convenience than anything else.
29 Mar 2019
I have used the laser to treat a subcutaneous cyst, with good result, and my husband is very happy with the laser's effect on his carpal tunnel and an ache in his knee. I have also used the laser to help heal a hip strain/pain in an elderly dog, which was very gratifying!
18 Feb 2019
I really like my pulse laser! I have had an issue with skin rashes and this has been the answer to that! No more rashes! How I wish I had found this years ago!
04 Feb 2019
The Pulse Laser is indeed a useful tool to help treat areas of pain and I found the instructions for its use easy to follow. All in all a handy, easy to use and very portable tool.
04 Feb 2019
I am using the Handy Pulse Laser for breaking down the calcification of Dupuytren's. The laser is definitely helping to keep my hand more supple and the lump and tightness have softened considerably. It is not a one hit wonder and I need to use it regularly to get the problem to diminish. I also have osteoarthritis in my lower back. It is harder to use because I cannot see and have to go by where it's sore. I need to be more consistent in using the laser on this problem.
04 Feb 2019
My Chiropractor recommended the laser after I broke both bones in my wrist. I think the laser has been good for healing my broken wrist and scar and I use it on a deltoid pain in my other arm, which it eliminates for a couple of days at a time. So my experience has shown it to be quite an important device for all my pains and healing. I'm sure it will be good for others that may develop in the future.
01 Feb 2019
The hand held laser is so convenient. Finally got rid of my tennis elbow after already paying for very expensive ultra sound treatments that were very painful. Won't do that again. I use it all over my body now after my runs and workouts. So good. Love it.
31 Jan 2019
Love the Handy Cure laser! Gives great results in pain relief, softens tight muscles and improves the quality of connective tissue. Also significantly cheaper than some other laser units that appear to have all the same features and components.
22 Oct 2018
So far I have found great benefits to using the Pulse laser machine. Especially the acupuncture attachment. I highly recommended everyone to get this accessory when purchasing their pulse laser as it really helps hit those trigger points and release knots which I get a lot.
The only downside that I would note is the inability to get to hard to reach places. I live alone and this device was purchased mainly for my neck and back and I find it difficult to reach and makes it harder to use.
I suggest designing an attachable grip with extendable handle. It needs to be quiet solid though, to cater for those (like me) who puts a lot of pressure on the device to dig in to the sore spots whilst it is delivering the laser treatment.
Beside that, I give the device 10 out of 10!
27 Sep 2018
The hand held Pulse Laser has made a difference to both myself and my husband. I am treating stubborn bursitis in my hip and shoulder and himself is treating his tennis elbow. We have had the device for about 6 weeks and it has made an enormous difference in treating the pain. We are both able to do normal activities and are very pleased to have this device.
25 Sep 2018
I have nothing but positive things to say about this device, I have found it as effective as the expensive Thor product for my treatments used at the surgery and since I purchased it, have not had to return for any extra treatments. Having it accessible when my pain returns immediately means less time in pain (and reduced pain medication) and its portable nature means that I can take it with me when I am out for long periods. Once charged it has been operational for 2-4 days depending on usage. I have added several easily home accessed apparatuses to secure the device as it is difficult for me to hold it in position for the length of time recommended.
I hope this encourages anyone who has found that laser therapy is effective for them and is concerned about the price. I have found it worth the cost as I am really sick and tired of being in pain and constantly having to visit the surgery for treatment. Also, not all doctors have access to laser therapy equipment.
22 Sep 2018
A brilliant tool to have. I had neck surgery to remove lymph nodes and robotic surgery to remove a cancer infected tonsil. I do not use it in the area where I had tonsil cancer because of the intense radiation treatment I had. I am not sure if the pulse Laser is good to use in this zone. But the Laser relieved the surrounding muscles of stiffness and discomfort within minutes after using.
My Wife uses it to ease stifness and throbing pain on her artheritic fingers. At first I was skeptical of its use, after just one 5 minute session I was convinced.
21 Sep 2018
michellep49 from Chittaway Bay
Purchased the Pulse laser Relief after it was recommended to me by a Laser Therapist I had been seeing for ongoing back pain. I found it very useful for my "flare-ups". Not only was it useful for my back pain but started using it on other painful areas i.e. sore arm after working on computer all day, bad neck, headache relief and also on a deep cut, which certainly helped with the healing process! It is actually an amazing device! My whole family has used it now on all types of body pain. Would highly recommend it to regular pain sufferers and also to anyone looking for a natural way to alleviate their pain. It's absolutely incredible!! :)
21 Sep 2018
My Pulse Laser is fantastic, I use it on spinal degeneration in my neck and have been able to cut out pain medication by 90%. It was recommended to me by my GP.
18 Jun 2018
Perfect for home use. Easy to operate as a non-professional and alleviates pain, arthritis, dislocations, stiff neck, frozen shoulders, sore throats, you name it, it helps and does so effectively. My whole family uses it and I honestly wouldn't do without this lazer. Outstanding product from an outstanding company. I recommend without hesitation.
16 Jun 2018
Purchase transaction completed with no fuss. The Pulse Laser is an excellent and effective product (used by myself and my wife for bursitis, arthritis and back pain.
15 Jun 2018
Supply of the device was excellent and quick. I am using it for osteoarthritis and neuropathy pain relief in my hands and feet. I find it helps considerably with both of these conditions. I would recommend it. It is very easy to use and recharges quickly.
14 Jun 2018
Prior to using the Pulse Laser device, I made use of a tens machine to minimise arthritic pain, especially in hands, shoulders and feet. Now that I have a Pulse Laser, I find it easier to use and more effective than my old tens machine.
One of the few restrictions I have experienced is the difficulty of using the Pulse Laser for back pain. Especially if you need to apply pressure, it is challenging to keep the Laser in position, without the assistance of another.
Altogether, an effective pain reliever and very easy to use in most situations.
14 Jun 2018
I find the Pulse Laser very effective. I got user advice from my physio. I like the fact that the beam is (used correctly) essentially non-invasive and it works to reduce or relieve pain.
13 Jun 2018
I originally bought this to ease arthritis in my feet but have used on my shoulder and to ease arthritis in my hand. Especially good after a day at work, just run it over the sore points and the pain eases. I would certainly recommend the pulse laser relief to anyone wanting to ease arthritis pain.
13 Jun 2018
Love it. Amazing. Carry it everywhere and recommend it to everyone. Don't want to imagine life without it. Received the product exceptionally fast. Use it on my brain as well as organs, tissue, etc. Only issue was forgot recharge cord when went overseas and was told it would ruin it if I used a different cord...voltage difference?
12 Jun 2018
Wonderful device, easy to use, purchased one for my neck and shoulder problems but also found it useful for soft tissue injuries and muscle tension. Relief was noticeable almost immediately. Have recommended it to many friends.
12 Jun 2018
This is a handy little device - simple to use, effective and reasonably priced. Worth having in every home first aid kit.
12 Jun 2018
A fantastic product! I have used it for superficial burns, inflammations, sprained ankle and and bruises. The recovery periods were much quicker than normal.
I have also used a low dose on my partially paralysed cat. It has not cured her but has given her obvious pain relief.
I highly recommend it.
11 Jun 2018
I really recommend this product. Initially I hired one from my health practitioner and then decided to purchase one for myself.
I had nerve damage in my arm after a virus that restricted range of movement and strength in my thumb. I used the laser regularly on the entire nerve in my arm and have noticed a remarkable improvement.
I highly recommend this product.
11 Jun 2018
Well I recently purchased a Pulse Laser to see if it would help with a number of health issues and I am most impressed with the positive results. A table tennis/golfing sore shoulder was helped considerably after a few days use. Also some other minor health issues have also shown improvement with the use of this device. Some months back I grazed some skin off my ankle and I healed it, as I thought, with hydrogen peroxide. However the redness never went away even though it was not the least bit sore. Then all of a sudden it became quite sore again and no ointment helped to dry it up or stop the soreness. So I applied the Pulse laser on it and after a few days it dried up completely and the redness has gone away. At the same time I have had a finger nail that has got a white patch half way down the nail that never heals. So I applied the pulse laser to it and it is gradually improving as the blood circulation is improving and the whiteness is diminishing. I am now also applying the Pulse Laser to a 60 year old horrible appendix scar and things are improving there as some scabs have formed as the new blood circulation is starting to work on the scar. I have watched a video of a guy that claims cold lasers don’t work. I say he is talking BS as I am extremely happy with my Pulse Laser it is working fantastic for me.
11 Jun 2018
Great product. Purchased it 6 weeks ago and used it everyday on my knee (miniscus injury). It has improved more than the previous six months.
06 Jun 2018
Worth every single cent. I unfortunately suffer with permanent nerve damage from my lower back and down both legs. The pain I have pretty much leaves me immobile. I started going to a pain management centre that focuses mainly on laser therapy. One day I noticed these hand held machines at the front desk and purchased one straight away. What an unbelievable difference this has made in my life. Unfortunately for the pain management centre I no longer go there as this device has me covered. I've gone from immobile to being able to walk around the house unaided. It also gives me confidence to go up the street to complete my shopping tasks when need be. Bottom line is, before this device I was honestly 90% immobile, now I'm able to complete tasks that I thought were long behind me.
20 Mar 2018
I have been using the laser for the last few months and I am finding it very useful. The laser was recommended by my GP/acupuncturist who has been treating me for reactive fascia - complex chronic pain syndrome.
The pulse laser gives me another tool in my kit bag for managing my own pain. The capacity to treat myself reduces the amount of time, energy and money that I spend. I still regularly see health professionals but I am much more independent and ultimately physically more comfortable.
14 Mar 2018
This portable handy cure has been money well spent. It is easy to use and understand. I purchased this device for my husband who suffers from gout from time to time and this device makes the gout more bearable in conjunction with medication.
I have used it for bruising and found it relieves the pain after a few treatments.
Well worth purchasing a device for the whole family.
08 Mar 2018
This has been one of the best investments I've ever made. Both my husband and I use it on injuries and on delayed muscle soreness after work or training sessions. I had a badly infected finger that would not respond to antibiotics, antifungal treatments or anything else. It would sometimes swell to twice the size of the corresponding finger on the other hand. After three years of this, I was at the chiropractor and happened to mention the problem with my finger, so we tried the Pulse Laser. After two sessions, it healed, and has stayed healthy.
07 Mar 2018
I have been having treatment with your laser with my doctor in Hobart and she suggested that I get one for myself as it would save me having to travel to her in Lenah Valley. She showed me how to use the laser and I have found it the only way to get relief from my nerve problems.
06 Mar 2018
My husband and I have been using the Laser with great results. Most beneficial has been for my mum with advanced dementia and complete immobility. It has been an incredible aid in relieving neck and back pain. She is now able to turn and move her head after a treatment. She can barely talk but I ask her is it helping and she says yes. This is remarkable as she generally is not able to communicate. It’s a godsend product for us thank you so much.
05 Mar 2018
Great little machine. Fixed my troublesome knee. Also had great affect on my son in laws crook back in Cairns during a recent visit. Also have been using ( don't know whether should have been ) on my wifes feet in the form of relexology . She says it is great.
27 Nov 2017
My GP told me I have osteoarthritis in one knee and that there was nothing to be done about it other than to take painkillers. Happily my chiropractor suggested I try cold laser treatment, which was so effective I invested in my own Pulse Laser. I'm really impressed! The device itself is easy to use, which is handy if you are useless at reading directions, and so far I have had a definite improvement in what was a severely limiting condition. I don't know whether it is a cure, but I'm going to keep at it and find out.
13 Nov 2017
I am in love with this product!! I suffer from POTS and it has helped me to manage the illness and function a lot better on a daily basis. I use it on the points on my body to help support my autonomic function and tachycardia with the instruction and monitoring of my chiropractor who introduced me the Laser. It has truly helped my quality of life. Well worth the money.
11 Nov 2017
Yes, excellent device. Every family should have one with young children or older folk with chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Good for lumbosacral disc disease, easing shoulder pain and tennis elbow. Use them in my clinic and bought another so I could use at home. Excellent value as same configured device costs an unbelievable $2500 AUD more!!
08 Nov 2017
In April 2016, my wife had a fall at our local shopping centre resulting in a fractured right elbow and pelvis. After some surgery to mend her elbow fracture she had various treatments of physiotherapy, ultrasound and then advised to seek help from physiotherapists who specialised in laser treatment.
She found some comfort from this treatment and after a few of these it was suggested to her that we purchase one of your units.
We thought it somewhat expensive at first and also that it was just a ‘Placebo Effect’! Further uses convinced us of its considerable help in relieving pain in the troublesome area of her lower back.
I too have found it rewarding in use on my thumb joints and find that treatment is only necessary about once a week for 5 minutes.
We have let friends try our unit with agreeable responses!
Thank you,
John L.
10 Aug 2017
The pulse laser has helped me with my inflamed shoulder. I can use it anywhere, anytime.
I strongly recommend it to anyone with inflammation.
16 Jun 2017
sharynm4 from Darlinghurst
I use the device to help control lymphedema. It is hard to judge how much effect it has but I definitely think it has helped.
14 Feb 2017
I started to use the Handy Cure Laser after my initial laser course at Quantum Pain Management, at the recommendation from the doctor there.
I have severe arthritis on the medial side of my left knee and after tearing the medial meniscus it exposed bone on bone. I managed this with Synvisc injections from my orthopaedic surgeon over two years but these became ineffective. I then had PRP injections, a course of three with good effect which lasted for several months.
In October 2016 after reading about cold laser I contacted Quantum. I am a specialist doctor and understand the process.
I completed the initial laser course in early December 2016 and went on a trip to Patagonia where I was trekking in the mountains. I took the Handy Cure with me and used it after a long walk. Initially we were trekking for 5 consecutive days then had 3 days rest then 2 more consecutive days, 2 days rest and shorter easier walks over the next 5 days. I used the Handy Cure during the big treks. I had minimal pain which settled well with minimal discomfort in between.
I had my final check up with Quantum on 30th January and don’t need to see them again. I have been advised to get another PRP injection to assist the healing process from cold laser. I trek train walk for 3 hours one night a week and over the next 3 months every second Sunday morning. I plan to trek in Nepal in October so if the current improvement continues that should be possible.
24 Jan 2017
I have used the laser following major surgery for Lipoedema on swelling, inflammation, scars and lymphatics. I found it be amazing in reducing all of these symptoms and improving the healing and decreasing the pain and uncomfortable tension associated with this surgery. It has enabled me to provide my own treatment rather than seeing a therapist for regular treatments at a larger cost. As it has so many uses I know it will come in handy for other members of my family. Thank you
19 Jan 2017
I use the Handy Cure Laser for a range of things, from keeping my fibromyalgia under control, to headaches, to cramps after exercise. Even my partner, who was sceptical, uses it for his reflux now and any back twinges he gets. 'Handy' is definitely the word - it's like a painkiller, only much much better!
18 Jan 2017
the pulse laser relief is very effective in reducing inflammation. i have MS and the laser reduces the inflammation and consequent spasticity. My chiropractor recommended it.
15 Dec 2016
The Handy Cure laser has had a great effect on really helping my pain. I have 5 squashed disks, arthritis and fibromyalgia. I will very honestly say that the pain has been halved since using the laser. I’m very happy that I have found this product. Living with less pain is fantastic. Lisa M.
24 Nov 2016
The Handy Cure Laser is the best investment I have ever made! I'm so glad my Chiropractor recommended that I purchase one for myself.
I started a new job last June and was suffering from Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain). I was spending long hours on my feet, and by the end of the day, walking was very painful. I would sit down each night and use my Handy Cure Laser which gave me so much relief from the pain.
My feet still get a bit sore, but because I have the Laser, I'm not worried at all, as I know that I have my little miracle machine to get me up and running again.
23 Nov 2016
The handy cure laser for lymphoedema management resulting from breast cancer - I do see a difference in managing this condition. This treatment compliments ongoing oncological massage. It softens the tissue making the drainage of fluid possible. Without doing so, this fluid would accumulate and cause pain. Even more concerning is the fluid has protein and can lead to cellulitis (speaking from experience up to 3 hospitalisations 2015).
Using it every day, several times a day to better manage my situation. The charge holds well and it is safe to use freely without worry that I'll damage my skin. In the process I've also used it for tension headache until I found the cause being clenching (with the help of my dentist). The cost does outweigh the benefits if you use it every day.
Massiel B.
08 Nov 2016
I have nerve damage to L4 and L5 and since using the laser have found that the pain has decreased and allowed me to do things I couldn't before. It was recommended to me by my osteopath who loaned one to me. We take it everywhere with us. My husband has a whiplash injury and finds using the laser certainly gives some relief.
My 84 year old mother is a testament to it as 6 weeks before a knee replacement our osteopath used it on her knee area and the end result was a quicker than usual recovery which the doctor had not seen. She then had continuous treatment for 6-8 weeks after op to boost recovery. I purchased one to have at home and she decided to buy one for herself and hasn't looked back. Today I purchased one for my sister as she has found use of it by our osteopath and chiropractor has been beneficial to her lower back problem.
Use of this at home also means we don,t have as many trips to the surgery for adjustments etc.
Recommend talking to your osteopath or chiropractor about the use of this magic machine which stops having to used pain killers all the time and allows me to lead a more normal life now.
26 Sep 2016
I have been very happy with my Handy Cure Laser. I am pain free and if I find I am getting a twinge after work in the garden etc I just reach for my laser and apply it to the offending body part and usually find by morning I am pain free again. I originally used it for my shoulders and knees, after a couple of weeks the pain had gone!
It sits ready to use in my 'remedial corner' along with a massager. Thank you for a great product.
Sharon F. Alstonville NSW
23 Aug 2016
My wife and I have been using the laser for a few months now and mainly find it does help to reduce pain from injuries. My wife has sustained an injury to her heal and although it hasn't gone away the use of the laser reduces soreness and she finds it soothing. Personally my ankle injury has completely gone and although would have healed eventually itself the use of the laser again reduced the soreness and may have improved the recovery. Marc A. Yokine WA
23 Aug 2016
"Pulse Handy Cure laser has helped improve my arm “tennis elbow” tendinitis. I use the device twice a day, as the handbook recommends.”
28 Jul 2016
I was fortunate enough initially to have my GP recommend the Handy Cure Laser and also to lend me her own personal unit to trial. I had never heard of Low Level Laser Therapy but was more than prepared to give it a try. Let me say I was more than impressed!
I have a couple of auto immune diseases one of which is rheumatoid arthritis. I find that the laser is brilliant for easing the inflammation and the tendon issues that I get particularly in my wrists and ankles. I certainly notice when I don't use it. I have found that I need treat regularly to stay on top of the problem and if I fail to do this it takes a few decent sessions to settle things down again. I also suffer from shoulder bursitis and I have found the laser helps to ease the pain from this as well.
After years of soccer and martial arts and a couple of arthroscopes my knees are feeling the abuse. I am astounded at how good it is on the osteoarthritis in my knees. I gain what I can only describe as instant relief after a session with the laser. I have far less inflammation when I use it and my knees are feeling so much better and stronger.
I also find the laser incredibly good for treating trigger points in muscles. I was attending a physiotherapist regularly for myofascial release as I have a lot of trouble with my adductors. This becomes both inconvenient and expensive. All I do now is find as many of the sore spots and treat them in the one session. I only use the laser for two minutes at a time per trigger point and I can already feel the problem area releasing after a minute and a half. This thing really is awesome!
It is also brilliant on headaches. I would often wake in the middle of the night with a headache and the response has always been to reach for the Panadol and try and find a position that didn't aggravate it too much and hopefully get back to sleep. These would usually last for a day or two. Most unpleasant and inconvenient! Recently when I had one I grabbed for the Panadol and then decided to get up and try the laser on the base of my skull where they seem to originate from. It was amazing! I had instant relief and I managed to get back to sleep easily. More importantly I woke up without the headache for the first time ever! Now when I have a headache I just treat with the laser and don't bother with the pain meds at all.
I have also found the laser to be really good at easing the lymphoedema caused by long term Prednisone use.
I couldn't recommend the Handy Cure Laser highly enough. Friends who have tried it have also been most impressed and my mum now has one of her own. Well worth the money and I still keep finding more uses for it. I did think it would help but I really didn't expect it to be this good. Amazing product!
Lisa D. Maryborough Vic
22 Jul 2016
I purchased a Handy Cure laser earlier this year and have had much success with pain relief for my clients with conditions such as Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel and Osteo-arthritic pain.
I have personally used the device to treat an arthritic joint and now have increased mobility and reduced pain.
19 May 2016
debh24 from Thornlands
I found the pulse laser to help with bursitis in my toes but not synovitis in my feet. My husband found it helpful treating his knee pain.
16 May 2016
I am using it for arthritis in my lower back, a knee problem and also for my husband's recent elbow ligament injury. We are finding the pain relief absolutely marvellous. (My husband is a sceptical person, but I see him using it without me nagging!) The unit itself is light and easy to handle. I ceased taking pain relief midway through the first 21 days of use. Can highly recommend Pulse Laser relief.
14 May 2016
The pulse laser has worked brilliantly for my Fibromyalgia pain. I use it for many of the touch points when they begin to pulse with pain and they settle down within a very few sessions. I was actually surprised by this success since these points react only slightly to pain medication and I am delighted to find relief. I have also used it on a small calf muscle tear with excellent results.
12 May 2016
We have had great success with our pulse laser machine. Great for pain relief. It has helped my husbands sore knee, my sore knee and relief with my bursitus in my hip. Highly recommend for all ages.
25 Feb 2016
"I underwent surgery for a fractured tibia in my right leg on August 6 2015. It was a compression fracture, so they put bone cement at the top of my knee and a large screw accompanied by five pins. Needless to say the pain was unlike anything I had ever experienced.
My chiropractor recommended the Handy Cure laser to me to assist me in the final stages of pain and healing. The price was affordable for me and I was eager to try it. I have been using it regularly since it arrived a few weeks ago.
Last week something happened and I was in a lot of pain so I grabbed the laser and used it as indicated. The pain was gone within 24 hours and has not returned. I am now experimenting with the laser on my big horse, who gets very stiff in his low back. I endorse this product 100%"
Ellen New Mexico USA
17 Feb 2016
I bought the Handy Cure laser for my mother. She has had both hips replaced in the past year and spinal surgery five years ago. A very complex 72 year old patient, she took a very hard fall on the ice two months ago and had hairline rib fractures and a bone bruise on her femur at the right trochanter.
She had excruciating pain for a month and several trips to the ER and multiple visits to see her doctors and was using a walker for all movement, a very grim situation.
Within 4 to 5 days of using the Handy Cure 3 to 4 times per day over her hips, spine, and ribs her pain levels dropped by 70%. It's the first time since her fall she's had any relief and it's the only therapy she was doing. Amazing results and she is well on her way to a great recovery, I’m very impressed!
Dr Josh S. Sante Fe USA
15 Feb 2016
"Like water dripping on a rock, pain washes your life potential away. Due to Fibromyalgia my unwelcome companions were sleeping, pain and anti-inflammatory medications. Prior to 2015 Christmas; a rising level of pain, poor sleep, stress and concentration, forced my work as a dressmaker to cease."
"My doctor bumped up all my meds and advised I see a pain clinic in the new year. I thought...That will be a terrible start to the year...More expensive appointments and meds, plus the worry of possible side effects! The higher pain med doses gave me a foggy, woozy head, yet did no more for the pain. The anti inflammatory drugs upset my digestive tract, so I had to lower the dose. I forced smiles and faked Christmas, by the end of January I was in the worst flare up; stiff joints, knotted muscles, nagging spasms. I was pretty cranky and sorry for myself, the house looked unloved. I was alone... avoiding people and relying way too much on my poor daughter. The dreaded thunderclap migraines were on the verge. I had to find a way to take hold and regain my life."
"So what do we do when the going gets tough? Go to Google of course! I found the best little healing machine ever! Reading the reviews, I quickly deduced...this Handy Cure is worth a shot, I made a call and decided to take the plunge....two days later I was healing myself!"
"First position was on the side of my neck at the base of my scull...five minutes on the Variable, after the beep, I moved the positioning a little and gave it another cycle..Beep!.. my neck movement was smooth and free, like it had been lubricated...Wow! is this my imagination?"
"I placed it beside my torn knee cartilage pointing toward the underside of the patella...Beep...yes pain reduced :) uber wow! Relaxing as much as my excitement would allow, I continued treating trigger point to knot, from big joints to little joints, this was really exciting! I wondered how long will the pain disappear? That night I decided to really take this experiment out on a limb..dropped the anti-inflammatory's to 25% and the pain meds to 50% of my original dose."
"So that was just seven days ago. I maintained treatments twice a day for four days, had two pain free days! After 45 years with travelling joint and muscle pain this is astounding! We are a scientific household..suffice to say the Handy Cure has had a pretty solid workout in 7 days."
"My daughter pulled her back at the gym...then got painful menstrual cramps... Handy Cure was there for her relief. Two of my girlfriends have pain from nerve damage, each noted positive and effective pain reduction, so now they pop in each day.. we call it "Treatment Triangle Time" Yes it's early days, however, comparing the last 45 years with the last week... I now have a positive pain managed future...Thank you Handy Cure :) you are worth your weight in gold.
Joanne W. Parramatta
10 Nov 2015
I've had a great success in treating a spur on my left foot, I used it every morning and evening for 5 minutes and after the first couple of treatments had a big relief from the pain. It took 21 days of treatments to cure the spur.
Originally the Handy Cure Laser was purchased to treat Lipodema in my breast, which I've been doing treatments 5 or 10 minute sessions morning and evening, it is keeping my problem under control but not improving or softening the fibroids.
Kaye G.
10 Nov 2015
"The Handy Cure device is amazing!
We have purchased three devices, Pulse Laser Relief being the most easily available and covered by the Australian warrantee.
I have found it is beneficial on my chronic neck and shoulder pain as I have continued to use it and explore where the tension is seated.
It has given my friend with osteoarthritis reduction in pain and so much more movement in her hands and fingers that she is overwhelmed by the 'shock' of the improvement after YEARS of living with agonising pain!
She should have found it years ago but she is so grateful that she now knows that there is something to bring relief and allow her to use her hands and to sleep!
Her adult daughter has also had relief from the pain of injuries suffered in a road accident five years ago. She has had her first good night's sleep since that accident. And her daughter who has had several toes broken is now walking with much less pain.
So that's four of us gaining great benefit so far!"
Evelyn H. Albion Park NSW
09 Nov 2015
In combination with ongoing holistic chiropractic management I have found the pulse cold laser therapy highly beneficial in reducing ongoing lower back and sacral pain and tightness, chronic shoulder discomfort as well as amazing results when I jammed my finger hard in a cupboard door. Prompt application of the laser on this and there was no pain, no swelling, bruising or any visible signs of the injury. Compare that to what you'd normally expect!
25 Aug 2015
I have used the Pulse Laser Relief for a wide range of ailments with very good results. I have fibromyalgia and it has helped with most issues relating to this disease. I have purchased a second unit for my elderly parents who now use it with confidence for arthritic pain, muscles aches, strains and even wound healing. (They are both in their late 80's and have no problem with the technology as it is easy to use). Service and delivery excellent.
09 Aug 2015
I used the laser on my left wrist for the 21 day cycle and noticed no relief in pain. I gave it another go on my left knee joint where I was experiencing tendon pain when I put it under load and am pleased to report that I have noticed a significant improvement 14 days into the 21 day cycle. There was no improvement before using the Laser.
06 Aug 2015
I am an older athlete, with a few niggling injuries. The laser relief has got me back to be able to train with intensity. My knee is giving me no pain anymore as the laser relief has taken the swelling from my quads and ITB and therefore there is no impact on my knee. I also use it for my tennis elbow as I am a personal trainer and do a lot of repetition weight lifting. I also use it after a hard swim session to take the tension from my upper back. Can't live without it!
04 Aug 2015
deidrem886 from Randwick
Really reasonable prices and results which is what really matters... I was very impressed by the results
26 Jul 2015
The device arrived in reasonable time, and a query was attended to promptly.
Over the course of two tratment cycles my achilles tendinopathy improved greatly, with the swelling in the tendon much reduced. Results elsewhere were less spectacular (a full-thickness tear in the supraspinatus muscle in my shoulder was a difficult one!) but there were modest improvements, and in no case did the condition being treated get worse.
[I am enthusiastic about the product, but I am trying to be objective]
30 Jun 2015
For the price, this laser has a lot going for it. It is portable, the battery lasts ages and it is quick and easy to use. We often use it on the sports field as soon as an injury has occurred, and sometimes to pre-treat areas which we know are touchy. This has been a great relief for many patients who would prefer not to use drugs but have pain or swelling.
29 Jun 2015
fiona-h501 from Bellevue Hill
I have suffered from headaches for 45 years!! Drugs gave some relief but only to knock me out so I can sleep the wretched things off. today I tried my Pulse Laser machine. 2 sessions of 5 minutes on the back of my neck - and I felt fine in about 30 minutes. What a relief!! Can't be placebo because I honestly did not think it would work. If anything My mind was set against it working!. Hooray I am so thrilled to discover this fabulous little miracle worker!!
28 Jun 2015
Has assisted me to conduct life as normal as it has managed my hamstring and back problems. I am now using it on strained shoulder muscles with great success. I have for many years used a tens machine but this laser is much quicker and lessens the time having to use machines.
27 Jun 2015
karenb73 from Elsternwick
Handy Laser is a quality product and backed by excellent service from Stuart. Unfortunately I am one of those people who it didn't work for although my friend and yoga teacher found it beneficial in treating nagging knee and shoulder injuries. Stuart was prepared to stand by the product and accepted that I am among the small percentage of people that do not seem to respond to laser treatment.
25 Jun 2015
I bought this laser to treat my horse's sore back , two weeks of treatment have relieved his pain. I then tried it on my own sore neck which gave me frequent headaches, no longer have sore neck and no more headaches
24 Jun 2015
We purchased the laser some months back. The purchasing experience was great, no problems. We, my wife and I, have used it consistently ever since, hands, fingers, feet and neck, about to start on teeth. We haven't seen any dramatic recovery but we feel that it is steadying the deteration, we are getting a bit old 64 & 77.
20 Jun 2015
Low level laser treatment (LLLT): I found that by using low level laser I have been able to reduce arthritic pain in some parts of the body, viz. shoulder, knees, and finger joints. I bought the device "Handy Cure Laser" which is serving my wife and myself well. I am in the process of working out the best way to use it for cervical ridicular pain. Recommended. Available from: http://www.pulselaserrelief.com.au
20 May 2015
sians3 from Manly Vale
I remember seeing them on Television one day and never thought anything of it, until a friend said I should try is at she found it very useful for muscle tension. I know use it and find it very useful.
04 May 2015
I have found the Handy Cure Laser an excellent pain relief tool. It has helped me enormously with management of a painful lower back condition and inflamed gluteal muscles without having to take strong painkillers. I'm considering purchasing it for my parents. Great customer service from the supplier.
24 Mar 2015
I have only been using the Pulse Laser for a few weeks for arthritis in my knees. It does seem to relieve the pain, but as I have had this problem for many years I realise that I will have to use the laser for quite a while to feel a significant improvement. I am using it in conjunction with weekly laser pain therapy where the clinic uses much stronger lasers.
05 Mar 2015
debbieo7 from South Yarra
I have purchased a few of these devices now, initially for myself and then for friends. they are always sent remarkably quickly and well packaged. For myself they have had a good analgesic for a severe hamstring tendonopathy at the is hail tuberosity. Probably the tendon is a bit deep at this point to have a really good response to the laser, but It has been excellent for pain relief. Other more superficial tendon problems have responded even better. I have also had to ring the owner of the business on an equipment query and he was extremely helpful.
14 Feb 2015
robynannw from Balgowlah
I had a severe flare up of my arthritis in my hands at the end of last year, so much so that my physiotherapist felt that it may have been rheumatoid and not osteoarthritis. At her recommendation I began using the laser. Very quickly I had relief from the heat, pain and swelling in my joints. I now have minimal pain and more movement which is wonderful.
25 Nov 2014
L.M. from Avalon
I have used this hand held laser for a while now in my professional practice of Remedial bodywork and I found it extremely effective for the treatment of pain related conditions, inflammation and oedema. It's also very helpful to release stiffness and tight tissue.
07 Nov 2014
kathleenl8 from Ryde
I have sustained 3 injuries (plus I have Rheumatoid Arthritis). I am SO glad that I purchased this product, as recommended by my pain management doctor. It is an integral part of my pain management plan. I've haven't needed to have Physiotherapy for several months now. It is so easy to use & so lightweight that I take it overseas with me. I just wish I'd bought it sooner. While my private Health Fund doesn't rebate on this item at present, I'm still glad I went ahead & bought it. (I found it to be is a MUCH better product than the TENS machine that was covered by my Fund.) Some health funds do cover it, so worth checking. Either way, I'd still recommend purchasing this product if you or anyone in your family is in pain. Rather, than hovering over the painful area(s), I was told by my doctor to firmly hold it in the required area(s). I usually use in on my neck, shoulder, lower back, hip & other areas as required, even hands & feet. I use a pillow so I can get into different positions & rather than holding, sometimes I can lean by body onto it, which means I can use it by myself without assistance. It has a 5-min auto timer. Stuart is great & very helpful & approachable.
28 Oct 2014
jarrenb from Selby
Problem: RSI with pain in both hands including loss of strength.
At the point of desperation and after years of steroid injections, my hands had reached a point where I was looking at a drastic career change from the job that I love. (leather work). I called Pulse Laser Relief by accident looking for a laser clinic to try and I got a patient man with good old fashioned service and attention to my needs. I had spent $300 that week on osteo and massage so I thought it was worth a try for just $500. It only took about a week for me to start to get some minor relief but after 2-3 weeks I noticed that I was no longer wincing to twist a door knob or grip something. I took it slowly but after my second treatment I felt confident enough to start doing some light gym work again and now while not completely pain free I can work with no issues and am looking at a future again with my job that I love. Strength is back in my hands and I am back to normal day to day activities. It is important to note that I continued with stretches from my osteo and some massage. The area that I treated was my forearm where the doctor had pin pointed the stem of the issue.
I have now used the laser on my neck and upper back where I always had an issue giving my a wry neck. It is the longest that I have ever been pain free there now too.
I cannot recommend a product more highly if you are suffering from RSI.
28 Aug 2014
The Handy Cure Laser has been great for reducing pain and swelling. I put in distal needles for the general effects of acupuncture and use the laser locally.
It's been great for swollen ankles and feet, sprained ankles, arthritis, muscle pain and fatigue, iliotibial band tightness, tendonitis, trigger points and neuropathic pain.
Dr Lucy V.
17 Jun 2014
ianb26 from Roseville
Surprising results. I used it in combination with visits to a Dr. using a higher power laser machine.
13 Jun 2014
stang from Roseville
My wife uses it for inflammation and pain following a knee replacement. Pain and swelling have gone and any recurrence is now well controlled. I use for neck problems and also carpal tunnel pain. Again amazingly effective and no need for analgesics.
17 Jan 2014
I have been using the Pulse Laser for home treatments for over a year now and I am very pleased with it. I have been using it to manage those annoying exacerbations of spinal, buttock and hip pain, and also neck pain with headache.
I have also used the Pulse Laser for pain from enthesopathies such as lateral hip pain ("bursitis") and tennis elbow. It hastens healing and or shortens the period of the flare-up. It's a great home treatment for myself and the family!
Thanks again,
Linda C.
12 Jan 2014
I bought the Pulse Low Level Laser 2 months ago. It has provided complete pain relief to a close family member suffering TMJ (temporomandibular joint syndrome) after two weeks of continuous treatment. I also used it for pain relief for sciatica, it helped reduce inflammation and ease muscle spasm. It is easy to use with the 3 set treatment programs which was very handy.
10 Nov 2013
andrewh43 from Vaucluse
I have been using the equipment now for about a year.
It's easy to use, highly portable, all as advertised.
Stuart is ready to answer all questions.
Very happy to recommend him and his business
23 Oct 2013
helenm42 from Bateau Bay
Excellent made phone contact got all information very quickly made purchase excellent device dealing with Stuart was great
21 Oct 2013
jimg4 from Tamworth
Fast efficient service. Goods delivered in record time. Relative cost is inexpensive. The item was purchased for the relief of chronic pain for which I am taking a very strong course of pain medication. This firm appears to have an answer to drug-free pain relief
27 Aug 2013
I have found low level laser very effective for the treatment of trigger points in muscle, and nerve entrapments in soft tissue. The reduced sensitivity in the tissue after using the device allows me to treat the area using manual therapy techniques with minimal discomfort.The Handy Cure Laser is the most powerful and cost effective device I have found on the market. I much prefer to have a rechargeable device so I am not restricted physically when using it.The laser is known as The Magic Wand in my practice and my clients love it!
24 Aug 2013
For many years I have suffered from Lateral Eplcondylitis (Tennis Elbow). In fact, introduction to Laser treatment saved me from surgery. Now I am at the stage however where age and repetition continually aggravates the long term damage to my elbows and shoulders. I was pleased to find, the Handy Cure Laser proved to be an affordable safe unit when used as directed. I enjoy the convenience of being able to treat any sore spot in the privacy of my own home with the added benefit of almost immediate relief which reduces the number of professional visits needed.