Reviews by DuncanM
In February 2008 I wanted to replace my normal Halogen downlight globes with energy efficient lighting, while still maintaining my existing downlight fittings. The website stated that the LED lights would work wth all transformers. I purchased 4 lights as a trial, firstly because I didn't know whether I wanted warm or cool white and also to make sure that they worked correctly. In one room there are 4 fittings and as it turned out there was one old style transformer, one medium age and two new transformers. The LED's only worked on the old style transformer, flickered on the medium age transformer and didn't work at all on the new transformers. I sent an email with a please explain, and the reply was "We have not had that problem". In the end they offered to replace the globes with GU10 globes and I would pay for the GU10 fitting. As of yet I have not done this because I have been a bit skeptical about outlaying more money so that I have globes that I am told will work, I had previously been told that the first lot of globes would work!!!!
Approximate cost: $100