Reviews by essjay67
nice brightly lit clean environment, well displayed foods, staff are cheery and polite, deli food is fresh.
Approximate cost: $200
very friendly staff very helpful, their diabetes co-ordinator is second to none, we only get our scripts from here
Approximate cost: $80
very nice fresh seafood, the takeaway is amazing, fair pricing, always friendly staff, we always get our xmas supplies from here
Approximate cost: $100
fast and trustworthy, good prices for scrap, friendly and polite staff,very fast efficient service
Approximate cost: $0
Awesome food great atmosphere, staff are extremely nice, the takeaway is prompt, great menu, expensive, but you get what you pay for.....QUALITY FOOD.
Approximate cost: $100
pizzas are A bit oily but taste OK, food from the grill is excellent salads are excellent, pricing is a little steep, service is excellent, staff are friendly.
Approximate cost: $30
these guys bust their butts to make sure we get a great meal, good food, sometimes a bit slow, but a busy business often is.
Approximate cost: $30
The advice these guys gave was amazing, they ended up saving us money!! they were polite, tidy and extremely professional, we highly recommend this business
Approximate cost: $5,000
Great staff, always pleasant and helpful they put the "service" back into service station, nice to see a smile and to get a hello.
Approximate cost: $50