Reviews by lisad732

05 Apr 2015

My sister was born - August 1977,she was transferred from Queen Victoria Hospital to Jessie McPherson Private Hospital,that night or the next day, my father was told we lost your transfer papers throughout this transition between the 2 hospitals....he was taken and told this is your baby,a baby in a humidicrib who was very premature, my mum s baby weighed 6 pds.....37 yrs later after just trusting the staff between the 2 hospitals ,we have discovered last year in Feb 2014,that my sister is/has been swapped at birth!!!!!!yes this has happened and I asked the CEO to talk to my mother and they said it is freedom of information and the law protects the adult woman now involved,the other woman probably doesn't even know she has been parents have been either lied to and deceived...or a legite swap has occurred....perhaps the baby was sold or put up for private adoption...who knows and this hospital doesn't seem to think it s appropriate to spk to me or my family....while we have proof(bby photo) of my real sister this hospital doesn't want to talk about this and my family can jus go on living with the torture of not knowing,it has been reported to police now ,hopefully they can help...thanku so much @ Jessie McPherson for all your non co operative efforts to give a damn abt my sister missin!!!! let alone the heartache my family feel,my dad was with mbf(private medical fund) back them n n pd good money to be in a private health fund,now BUPA,n now he has NOT got what he paid for,instead hes been deceived n treated like a jerk,basically n told go away....while my sister is out there somewhere??....never to get any closure!!!