07 3136 3287

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Experienced Compensation Lawyers

No Win No Fee. AMK Lawyers are with you every step of the way.

Let AMK Lawyers help you get the maximum compensation you are entitled to

Let us handle the legal requirements, paperwork and negotiations while you focus on moving forward. Get in touch today for your free injury claim assessment.

Making a compensation claim after an accident or injury at work isn’t easy without the right support

With our ‘no win, no fee’ structure, you won’t have the pressure of upfront costs, and we’ll make sure every aspect of your claim is comprehensively managed. You’ll receive expert guidance backed by decades of experience – ensuring your rights are upheld, and the maximum amount of compensation is secured on your behalf.

Workplace injury specialists - expert guidance and a ‘no win, no fee*’ assurance

At AMK Lawyers, we’ll compassionately guide you through the process of claiming while ensuring you understand your rights. We will be transparent with you from your initial claim assessment, advising you about the best pathway to finalise your claim successfully.

We Can Help With

Why Choose Us

100% No win No Fee with Low Fees

At AMK Lawyers we wish to ensure all our clients have access to just and fair representation without the concern of being left with a large bill or any other surprises....

Combined 100+ years’ experience.

The staff at AMK Lawyers have extensive experience representing people injured in Queensland, so you know you will be personally represented by someone with a wealth of knowledge...

Focused on Compensation Law

Pursuing compensation claims is all we know and by only focusing on this area of law we will not be distracted from the job at hand and together with our wealth of experience....

Free Case Review

Uncertain if you have claim? Are you confused about the process? Contact one of our experienced lawyers who will at no obligation discuss your potential claim and provide a road map of the process moving forward....

Compassionate and Caring with a Rehabilitation Focus

We understand that being injured and struggling to make ends meet is filled with uncertainty. Our lawyers are compassionate, caring and provide a personal touch with direction through troubled waters.

Boutique Firm – small by design big results on purpose

AMK Lawyers have a team of focused and efficient professionals who have been at the firm since its early inception. We keep our resourceful team....

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News & Updates

Free Compensation Claim Assessment. Get Started Here

We can help. Contact our team today to discuss how we can help you on a no-win, no-fee* basis.

DD slash MM slash YYYY

Step 1.

Free Initial Discussion
Reach out to us 24/7 by phone or via our contact form to schedule your free claim assessment.

Step 2.

Claim Assessment & Information Gathering
We’ll thoroughly assess your claim, and gather all necessary information.

Step 3.

No Win, No Fee*
Partner with AMK Lawyers with no upfront fees, and we’ll begin work immediately.

Compensation Lawyers FAQs

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

AMK Lawyers - Simplifying your compensation claim process