Aqua Filter Whole House Filtration with UV Steriliser.

aqua filter steriliserSafeguard your family from waterborne diseases and contaminants.
Safe drinking water for the whole house from rain water or bore water.

Customer service and backup available in Bali and Jakarta

Quality filtration for your home. When it comes to water filtration and water softeners we give you the solution you need, and if you need a survey of your house just give us a call.

Protect your health | Your Appliances | Your Plumbing
Never use any brand of water filter cartridges beyond 6 months without changing the cartridges. Bacteria will grow inside the cartridge and make your water unsafe.

Not only does the use of a whole house filter remove chlorine and improve the taste of your water, it also removes other toxins and chemicals and potentially extends the lifespan of your appliances including water dispensers, coffee machines, dishwashers and hot water systems.

aqua filter softener

Some water supplies, particularly those serviced by long distance water pipelines, also contain chloramines. Chloramines are toxic to fish, reptiles and amphibians and still have unidentified chemical constituents.

Aqua Filter systems remove chloramines.

For people sensitive to chemicals, removing chlorine and other chemicals from your household water can have a life changing effect on your health and wellbeing.