Cut through the clutter with specialist e-Commerce photography.

E-Commerce photography

Whether it’s knowing the polices of ecommerce platforms like eBay and Amazon inside out, or the knack of being able to make the most of your pixels with the smallest and largest products, to sell successfully online you need a specialist ecommerce photographer. It’s that simple.


If you’re an online seller based in Cairns, call Catherine Coombs for your product photography.

Standing out is easy

Proud product specialist

There’s a rare talent which Catherine and other top ecommerce photographers share, which sets their work apart: The ability to fall in love with your brand and its products.

And where there’s love, there’s a relentless dedication to making you shine online.

Creating mood and feel

Props & lighting done properly

Sometimes products are innately attractive and jump off the page by themselves, but most of the time what you’re selling needs a specialist ecommerce photographer to make it pop.

If you need pitch-perfect product photography in Cairns, you can count on Catherine.

Highlighing all the right features

Customised e-Commerce tech

A good product photographer knows that personal expertise is only half the story when it comes to selling online… to capture the best images, you need the best equipment.

When Catherine comes to shoot your products, there’s nothing but the best tech in her bag.

Gear and skills to match

‘Shoot for the edit’

When choosing your product photographer, ask if they ‘shoot for the edit’ – which is industry lingo for the dedication to ensure every photo is fabulous, before any editing takes place.

Avoid any ecommerce photographer who relies on editing… the raw image should stand tall.


Getting the exposure right

In tune with e-Commerce rules

It doesn’t matter how good your product photography is, if the image specifications don’t perfectly follow the rule of the ecommerce platform, you’ll have problems.

Catherine ensures your images tick all the right boxes to make the best impression.

Candles - Product photography cairns

eCommerce Enquiry Form


    WebsiteAmazonShopifyeBayEtsySocial MediaOther

    White BackgroundFlatlayGhost MannequinI'm not sure, can you offer suggestionsOther

    Yes, female model/sYes, male model/sYes, both female and male modelsNoI'm not sure

    Success Stories

    I have worked with some amazing clients over the years and am proud of what I have achieved for them. Read more about what people say about me and if you’d like to leave a review, I would love to hear from you.

    Other Services

    Food and Drink Photography

    Real Estate Photography

    Head Shots and Personal Branding

    Commercial Photography