Empower Your Leaders to Get Results.

Let Our Training & Coaching Help.

“If we always do….

what we’ve always done,

we will always get…

what we’ve always got.”

Adam Urbanski

All businesses are human. People run businesses. If you grow and develop your people, they will grow your business.

Your leadership team is the backbone of your organisation responsible for driving your company’s success and achieving your goals.

It is essential in today’s rapidly changing business environment, that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate complex challenges and lead with confidence. If not, you run the risk of mediocrity, boredom or burnout.

We believe that investing in leadership training for your team is a powerful and a necessary step towards securing the future success of your organisation.

Effective leadership training can help your team develop the skills and mindset needed to inspire, motivate, and empower your employees, foster a culture of innovation and creativity, which drives long-term growth.

Our leadership training programs are designed to be tailored to your organisation's specific needs, ensuring that your team receives the training that is most relevant to your business goals and challenges. Our experienced trainers will work closely with your team to deliver practical, actionable insights and strategies that can be applied immediately in the workplace.

By investing in leadership training for your team, you will be investing in the future success of your organisation. You will empower your team to become more effective leaders, unlock their full potential, and drive growth and innovation for years to come. The return on the training investment is measurable.

And it’s much more than that. A positive, collaborative work environment will accommodate your high performers resulting in low staff turnover and longer retention.

What We Do


  • Assessments

    What’s your Leadership Style?

    Are you a Strategic Thinker?

    Find out your Behavioural Type with EDISC

    Are your sales people building relationships for the future?

    Ensure Team Compatibility

    Recruitment Selection Tools

  • Coaching & Training

    In this ever changing world and competitiveness it is crucial to keep your people informed, trained to their full potential and coached on leadership tasks to support the achievement of company goals.

    The bespoke training and coaching will address your specific needs and outcomes. You will have evidence of a return on every training dollar that you invest. Let us take on the training responsibility so that you can get on with your job.

  • Culture Check

    How is your workplace environment?

    Is everyone in tune with the Company’s Vision, Mission and Values? Do they know what they are and live those values daily?

    Work as a team, relinquish responsibility, accountability and have full trust in your people to do the things the way you want them done. Then and only then, can you step away from the daily transactional tasks and grow the business!

    A complimentary consultation using the Critical Alignment Model (TM) will explore opportunities, gaps and strengthen the four most essential pillars in all business.

Learn in your own time

Everyone has a preferred learning styles and some people prefer to carry out training and development in their own time. We offer courses that are ready for you to do whenever it suits you and at your pace. One module per week or per month - it doesn’t matter and your coach is available for regular reviews and catch-ups for additional value.


  • Leadership Style

    Discover your Leadership Quotient & gain powerful insights into your leadership styles and the performance of your business

  • Disruptive Leadership

    A self-led 12 session course, designed by Remi Pearson, best-selling author and Founder of the International Coaching Institute and coupled with monthly one on one training sessions

  • Thinking Style

    So you have  set your goals.  Will you achieve them? Are you set up for success?

    How will you react at the first hurdle, the first failure?

  • Culture Improvement Strategy

    The CAM model is essential in all business and is founded on four main pillars; Environment, Structure, Implementation and People.


As a career recruiter and HR specialist working in a broad range of companies from small family start-ups to large corporate and government agencies, the common thread is people.

Business is human and humans run businesses

Many leaders cannot solve or understand why they have these problems with high staff turnover, low performance, low morale, and even changing performance goal posts to suit the employee’s capabilities!

This is what inspired me to start Crescendo Coaching.

Crescendo means getting louder and continued growth! Speak up – and Grow!


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