my commitment to you

At no time as you review this web site will you be required to give money to proceed to its completion. With open arms I welcome you to review it as much as your heart desires, at no cost whatsoever. Jesus, in Matthew 10:8 put it this way to his disciples, “freely you have received, freely you give. I take this admonition, and in the fear of the Lord. If however you find these writings to be beneficial, you can help me in one or both of the following ways. First… for all you helpless romantics out there click on the romantic delight link, and you can download two all occasion poems, one for her and one for him. On this link you will also get an intoxicating love song, titled “once in a lifetime”. Combine this gem with a minimum donation of just $20.00, and you just hit a grand slam to be remembered for a lifetime. Secondly… for another low price of $20.00, you can have 15 of my best inspirational poems. This combo makes a wonderful addition to your prayer closet, as well as a great gift that keeps on giving to that dear friend. Just click on the Billy’s poetry corner link and these 15 pearls are yours.

In any event Beloved, my prayer is that you partake of these writings, and poetry, your mind will be transformed just as Jesus was all about his father’s kingdom’s business, and this transformation would culminate into you being a “sojourner on planet earth” as well as an “overcomer” in truth and reality.

All my love Billy

P.S. as I considered the pricing on these two items in leu of so many financial struggling, I settle on this ridiculously low price of $20.00 a piece so that all could partake. If you are inclined to give more, it would be deeply appreciated.



Thanks so very much, I deeply appreciate it. BILLY .
