Neon XL Letters

Giant Light up Neon Letters & Numbers



At XL Letters, we believe that the right lighting can transform an ordinary space into an extraordinary experience. Our neon lights and numbers bring a vibrant, colourful, and modern twist to any event, ensuring that your occasion is not just seen but felt. Whether you’re throwing the wedding of the century, hosting a milestone birthday bash, or organising a corporate event that speaks volumes, our bespoke neon creations are the spark that will light up your event’s atmosphere.

Xl Neon Letters Pricing

1.2m Letters & Numbers Range $100
60cm Letters & Numbers Range $50
1.2m LOVE Range $350
60cm LOVE $175
1.2m MR&MRS Options $450
75cm MR&MRS $300
Delivery within 25kms of CBD $75
Delivery 25-50kms of CBD $100

Prices are per day, long term higher prices by request. Pick up available for a 60cm range.