Picture of Sam (Coach) smiling and looking at camera.



MindsetMattrs Coaching


Hi, I'm Sam.

Nice to meet you!


I'm a Personal Development Coach who works with people to realise and unlock their potential so they can live their best lives.

I have been a Pharmacist for over 10 years so you can rest assured that I know the Healthcare system well and my practices are evidence-based.

People work with me because I am down-to-earth and together we create a powerful partnership that centres around you and your perfect life.


Instagram post that says 'To attract better, you have to become beter.'

Coaching Programs


Stressed and Overwhelmed Under Control and Thriving

4 sessions


A transformative four-week program designed to help you reclaim your life and achieve a state of balance, confidence and fulfillment.

If you’re tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed and crave a life where you’re in control of your time and energy, this program is for you.



Everyone experiences stress and overwhelm from time to time, but it doesn’t have to be your permanent reality.

Do you want to feel happier, lighter, and more peaceful?

Do you want to do more of the things you love, live the life you imagined, focusing your energy on what matters most?

But you feel overwhelmed, and your stress is just adding up and you can’t seem to get it under control?

Your head keeps getting in the way and you’re over-thinking and over-doing everything?


Does your life check all the boxes? On paper, things look great, but they don’t feel great.

You know it could be better than this, but you’re just not sure how to get there.

You’re ready to grow into the next phase of your life. You’re ready to level up. To grow.



You’re not alone.


Over 70% of people feel that stress impacts their physical and mental health.

High stress levels can cause you to worry more, be more irritable and anxious.

It can also cause problems with sleep, headaches and emotional ups and downs.


Imagine what your life would look like without your current level of stress.

What if I told you there was a way to achieve that life?

Would you take it?



The truth is, it doesn’t have to be this way. Life doesn’t have to be a constant struggle.


In this program, we will work together to:

- Identify your triggers for stress and overwhelm,
​​​​​​​- Uncover and challenge any limiting beliefs,
- Develop strategies for managing stress and stressful situations,
- Create boundaries to protect your energy and focus it on what matters most.


You CAN have a better life. And I can show you how.


By the end of the program you will feel more in control of your emotional state, have greater control over your time and energy and feel a greater sense of calm and clarity.

Whether it’s excelling in your career, managing the stresses of daily life, or prioritising your own well-being, you’ll gain the tools to achieve extraordinary results.


It’s time to break free from the endless cycle of stress and overwhelm. Take control and embrace this opportunity to thrive in every aspect of your life.

Join me today and start your journey towards a future where you’re not just surviving but thriving.

Invest in your future self.

You deserve it.




4 sessions
