Call Us (03) 9737 1615

Everyone deserves a bright smile!

Preventive Care

Comprehensive Treatment

Cosmetic Treatment

About Us

Mount Evelyn Family Dental team welcome you to our clinic. We have been based here to serve our wonderful community and families.  We thank those for your continued belief in us and for your support.

Being a community-based family clinic at Mount Evelyn, we pride ourselves on the professional gentle care for our patients. We have the latest equipment and technology procedures to give our patients the best experience and outcome for the treatment.

Our friendly dental team are here to assist you with your dental needs in obtaining the best possible result and treatment outcome; to enable you to have more confidence in your smile and tooth function and be more educated in regard to your oral health.

Our Team


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Services List

Comprehensive dental examination and X-rays

Dental examinations and x-rays are very important to help us to determine the health of your teeth, gums and supportive structure of the mouth. After the examination and knowing your concerns and goals, we spend time talking with you through the treatment options and treatment process step by step. 

Preventive dental care

As part of your ongoing dental maintenance program, we offer a scale and clean to remove tartar/ calculus build-up. Poor oral hygiene can lead to many other health concerns; some of them extremely serious if left untreated. Some signs to look for are: bleeding, swollen, inflamed and receding gum, loose teeth and bad breath.

Restoration (filling)

Composite (tooth colored) restorations are of natural appearance to replace the broken, decay or worn part of the teeth anatomy. The greatest care is provided to obtain the best aesthetically pleasing and functional result.

Veneer (Porcelain or Composite)

Veneers can be the solution to a variety of dental problems. Some of these include crooked, oddly shaped or misaligned teeth, permanently stained or discolored teeth. Veneers can be done in composite or porcelain, Porcelain giving the premium aesthetic result.

Inlays or Onlays

Inlays and Onlays are cemented into the prepared tooth cavity with a special adhesive that increases the strength of the bond between tooth and inlay or only. They are extremely strong and in the majority of dental patient wear resistant.


A crown is a cap, normally made from porcelain or ceramic, which is used to rebuild and strengthen a weak or broken tooth. Crowns can also be used to improve the aesthetics of your smile by changing the shape and color of your existing teeth or dentition.

Replacing missing teeth

Replacing missing teeth is important for both functionality and cosmetic reasons. A missing tooth or teeth can affect how you chew with basic oral function, causing you to feel self-conscious about smiling, laughing and talking.

Root Canal treatment

Root Canal Therapy may be required if the nerve or pulp of a tooth has become infected or irreversibly inflamed due to dental decay, dental trauma or severe gum disease. Treatment is usually done over the course of two to three visits, depending on the severity of the infection, in some cases, a metal band will be required to be placed around the tooth to prevent further breakdown of the tooth.

Emergency Dental treatment

A dental emergency can be abscesses, sporting injuries, breakages of teeth. We encourage our patients to call us immediately, when a dental emergency arises. We will do our best to find a time slot for you in the same day to assess the problem, discuss, begin a treatment.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth can become discolored due to various factors, including age, poor dental hygiene, diet and smoking.

Orthodontic treatments (simple cases)

Braces is to correct crowding, gaps between teeth, protruding upper or lower teeth, crossbite, where teeth are meeting in reverse to the normal bite function.