Reliable &
Quality Dentistry
in Mundaring

Mundaring Dental & Implant Centre is a family-owned and operated dental clinic. We pride ourselves on providing quality dental care to our patients. Our team of Mundaring dentists are here to help you get the best results possible. Schedule your appointment today!

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Trusted Dentist in Mundaring With Over 20 Years Experience

It’s time to put your best smile on! Get the most out of personalised dental care that lasts for years.

Welcome to Mundaring Dental & Implant Centre, where you and your family will receive the dental care you deserve. Grab the chance to experience modern, unique services that will help you achieve a beautiful smile.

We are your one-stop-shop for all of the dental care you need. With over 20 years of experience, we have been able to keep up with recent trends and reach industry standards while also maintaining a high level of service that will meet any patient’s dream smile goal!

Take the first steps
toward your perfect smile today!

why choose us mdic

Why choose
Mundaring dental
& implant centre

We listen to your concerns for your smile, and dental health. We help make your treatment choices in simple, and non judgemental way, and deliver your chosen treatment with a fast, efficient, and caring touch.

Convenient Quality Dental Care

With over 50 years of combined experience, our team of professionals continues to provide high-quality dental services, from general dentistry and dental implant services to restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

expert technology

A Compassionate Team Utilizing Modern Technology:

Mundaring Dental & Implant Centre offers the latest dental implant technology and techniques to provide you with the best possible results. Our state-of-the-art equipment makes your dental implant experience as easy and stress-free as possible.

payment options

Easily Accessible

Mundaring Dental & Implant Centre is proud to offer flexible payment plan options to make sure that everyone receives the dental care they need.

same day

Same-day Dentistry and Fast Turn Around Time

Mundaring Dental & Implant Centre offers same-day service for various dental treatments, including dental crowns. You can get high-quality dental care and more natural-looking crowns in just one visit!

dr rahul mdic

Dr. Rahul Pankhaniya

Having always wanted to enter the medical field, Dr. Rahul chose to be a dentist after seeing how it not only improved people’s health, but it also improved their quality of life.

We Accept all Healthfunds and Have a 0% Interest Payment Plans for Dental Treatment

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Mundaring Dental
Mundaring Dental
Mundaring Dental
Mundaring Dental

Latest blogs

Our dental blog covers a range of topics, from teeth whitening to dental implants. Our latest articles are sure to educate and engage you on all things dental!

Take the first steps
toward your perfect
smile today!

Don’t put it off for later. A smile can open doors and change lives.

Make an appointment