Car Wraps Brisbane

Vehicle Signage Brisbane

In today’s technologically advanced world, different business outlets and companies seek for more effective means and procedures for advertising their business and reaching out to a broader audience while still trying to keep the cost of the service minimal.

In Brisbane, the growing trend of car wraps has been explored by many, and it imprints a professional look on your business. The movability of the vehicles makes it a perfect means to reach out to a larger audience showing off high-quality prints with unlimited designing options. By merely using vehicle singes, you can get the whole Brisbane caught up talking about your business.

It has been proven countlessly that constant visualisation of your brand with the right advertising strategy creates a strong brand image in the mind of your consumers and in no time, you’d have loads of customers rushing in, of course, this is only possible if you can get your marketing right.

To create a bolder impression for your audience, it is advised to make use of some marketing experts as well as a vehicle signage company that can transfer your ideas into an ideal print of high quality to stun your target audience with your creativity and the strength of your brand.

Entirely Makeover your Automobile to a portable billboard

The vehicle wraps and signage are undoubtedly one of the most cost-effective means to grow your brand presence around. Practically, the car wraps transform vehicles into mobile billboards that carry your brand with it on the go.

Today, the vehicle signage as a growing and useful trend in advertisement has helped thousands of companies open up their services to more people, and the best part of using this type of service is the cost. The price is fair, and virtually anyone can use this service to boost sales or create a stronger brand image.

5 Reasons to use Procloud Signage for your
Brisbane Car Wraps

Since the inception of Procloud, it has served quite a vast clientele and helped them build a stronger brand image with its genuine quality car wraps. The quality and style of your car wraps speak a lot about your brand, and if you don’t settle down and smartly redefine your options with the right vehicle wrapping company, it can lead to a drastic outcome. Say, for example, you don’t weigh your options thoroughly and you end up in the wrong hands, you could be left with a car wrap you don’t really want your customers to see, the quality of the prints could be really messy, and the dimensions could be all wrong. The problem doesn’t just end with the looks; it goes further in the minds of people, your brand will be perceived as inferior and lacking ingenuity.

In this article, we will highlight 5 Reasons why Procloud Signage Should be on your Top list for your Brisbane Car Wraps


We all want to lay our hands on something nice, but the price always stands in-between and, if you opt for something way too cheap you could end up with a terrible car wrap and ruin your business reputation. Procloud Signage offers its customers an all-encompassing service at a very optimal price.

You get the quality you want to be delivered to you without any worries whatsoever.


For any vehicle wrap to be flagged appropriate, the durability of the wraps is an essential factor that must be considered. You wouldn’t like to have wraps on your car that would fade off with time or exposure to trivial environmental factors, would you? Nope, I didn’t think so.

With the application of modern technology and new processes, Procloud Signage has been able to develop wraps that can be branded on your vehicle to last for a very long time.

High Definition Wrap Quality

All the prints produced by Procloud Signage come in high definition, and even intricate little details are imprinted. The quality of the prints serves as a standard for brand assessment on the first glance by most people that come in contact with the vehicle wrap.


Procloud Signage takes time to reproduce your ideas and specifications just the way you describe them. Ideally, you’ve got no limitations… only your mind!

Timely Service time & Delivery

The turnaround service time is slim, and Procloud Signage doesn’t put you through unnecessary procedures that could be a possible waste of time. Each step is programmed intricately to give you the best in the quickest time frame.

Car Signage Transforms a Vehicle into a Moving Billboard

Say, what if I told you that you could market your business practically anywhere how that sound would? Great right?

Whether you are headed to the grocery store, to work, or you just want to meet up with some good friends, you can take advantage of car signage to open up your business to the world every time you step into your vehicle. With the car signage, you can transform your vehicle into a mobile billboard.

So, how would you feel if one a particular early Monday morning you just hop into your car and drive to work enjoying your ride and the pretty city buildings, then you get to your office and you’re on your desk and abruptly, your phone rings and reaching out is a potential new customer eagerly asking about your business from what he got a chance to glimpse at the advertisement on your wrapped vehicle while you were driving around town. Trust me; it’s a great feeling!

With just a little or no effort, you were able to secure the interest of a customer.

It’s a super effective way to promote your brand without having to pay for referrals or advert space. With great ease and for free, you will be able to advertise your car in great quality anytime you’re on your car wheels cruising.

If you’re concerned about the limitations of this service, it sure is limitless in both design and utilisation. You can design and advertise your products or brand with car signage with ease, and this service is not limited to just a single vehicle, you can utilise it for more cars depending on your preferences and the areas you wish to cover. A single vehicle can open your brand to thousands of people daily without incurring any costs, it the most economical means to declare your presence over a wide area in style, just as long as your wraps are made durable and in high quality.

Application of vehicle decals

Right from the initiation of casual stickers, the use of stickers has been quite flexible, and you can say… limitless.

Branding, advertising, has put designers on their toes and they continuously seek means to break edges in possible sticker variations. Today, with the tide of the twenty-first century on our side, stickers have broken further boundaries and the application today is almost limitless with the sort of technology we have at hand, and one can only imagine in future, what it can hold for us all.

Vehicle decals are practically stickers, just with a fancy name that we are all used to here in the sticker world. The French people were behind the invention of the vehicle decals, invented by a French engraver Simon Ravenet who migrated to England and on the onset, he perfected the process (or so he thought) called "décalquer" (which means to copy by tracing).

Today, the vehicle decals have taken a new turn and are made out of large rolls of vinyl sheets and with the aid of a computer program and a plotter, the sheets are cut into desired shapes and designs are printed on them before finishing touches are applied to them then placement of vehicles.

Vehicle decals have a lot of applications; however, in this paper, we will highlight two applications - Advertisements and company identification/ branding

Vehicle Decals for Adverts

They’re an excellent shot for cheap advertising if you don’t want to opt for the full vehicle wraps. The cost is kept minimal, and you still get as much exposure in a fancy way. Also, you can use a reflective vinyl at night if you want to advertise your products visibly at night.

Vehicle Decals for Company identification/ Branding

Various companies and organisations make use of decals to mark or identify their operators. A lot of them like the police, movers, insurance companies, cuisines and more use the vehicle decals for brand identification not necessarily advertising though that could also be achieved, that’s not always the case.

How vehicle graphics work

Vehicle graphics is a well-known advertising means that delivers a more effective result with an impactful design and helps you to build your company and reach greater marketing heights. The only challenge you can encounter is finding a reliable and skilled professional to help you get it done right.

The reality is that it takes a series of complicated steps to bring your idea to life and not everyone is capable of doing this, so to be on a safer margin, you just have to explore only the best options open to you.


This is the major part of the entire process; it involves taking a personal and detailed approach to the prospects of the client seeking to build better brand awareness with this service not to miss out on anything and get it right once.

It involves the use of graphics tools to create the visuals of the vehicle graphics, and if this is done well, it goes a very long way to sustain strong brand awareness.


Once the designs are completed, they are sent over to the clients for review and approval; if there is any form of dissatisfaction or any necessary improvement or addition, this is the point where correction is possible. One the work is approved, it will be printed on vinyl and laminated.

However, since vehicles are large machines, it’s not feasible to prink one large vehicle wrap to cover the entire car, the dimensions would most definitely be missed out, and this is why the printing is done in segments which make the final stage – Application a lot easier.


This is the final stage, and proper implementation here will go a long way to make a difference. In this stage, it’s essential to have a certified professional handy to help you with applying the fabricated prints.

The prints are applied on the vehicle segment by segment around the doors, handles, bumpers and the entire body. Typically, it takes about 2-3 days for a full vehicle wrap, and the application is carried out indoors.