Tantric Massage London

What is Tantric Massage ?


“Tantra” is an ancient Hindu word that means “woven together”. It refers to the esoteric knowledge of the channels of divine energy that course through the body and whose flow is interwoven with the physical manifestations of body pleasure.

A masseuse is a sight to behold, a visual indulgence holding the promise of pleasure yet to come. Her every movement oozes with the sensuality that her knowledge has imparted to the very essence of her soul.

Her skills lie not only in her hands, but infuse every inch of her silky-smooth flesh, yearning to share their secrets with you.

Don’t approach an the sensual massage as simply a physical interaction with happy ending but as a holistic, almost spiritual experience. It’s ancient techniques will coax from within you an awakening of your natural healing powers and energy chakras that will leave you rejuvenated and re-energized, fully aware of the stronger stamina and staying power you possess.


Erotic Massage


An erotic massage by a masseuse is an experience not simply for the flesh, but one that fuses the senses as one, stimulating and teasing them both individually and together through an immensely pleasurable journey of peaks and troughs to a heavenly crescendo.

This will leave you floating on air. It awakens the senses and activates whole-body healing. It allows you to explore pleasure in new and creative ways. It uses eye contact, connected breathing and touch to enhance intimacy. It creates conscious connection between the giver and the receiver.

It uses breath, sound and movement to awaken the full-body orgasm. It melts away the illusion of separation and allows oneness to emerge. It is a wonderful prelude to orgasmic sex. We also offer outcall massage in London.


Nuru Massage


An experience that has become the object of intense fascination right across the world for its visual imagery as much as its exquisite sensations, the nuru massage has gained immense popularity since it was popularized fairly recently. Intimate, sensual and arousing massage therapy widely used to balance and soothe your energies and physical needs.

Originated as traditional Japanese art, the therapist uses seaweed gel in this massage, also known as nuru gel. It is odourless, colourless and tasteless with a slippery and intriguingly soft texture. As this gel is soaked down by the cells of your skin, it will replenish and rejuvenate your body layer by layer. If you want fresh, glowing and young skin, this treatment is just for you.

Very appropriately, for slippery is the essence of the nuru massage. The sight of your ravishing masseuse, her body glistening with the alluring sheen of cool nuru gel is in itself an experience worthy of an audience.

Watch as her every curve is accented by slivers of light bouncing off the nuru gel that envelops each inch of her intoxicating form. Savor the excruciatingly pleasure as her talented hands spread the cool gel over you. All that is left will be for her to slide her body on top of yours. This is not a soapy massage.

In this massage, our masseuses use their entire body and acquired skills to relax, rejuvenate and stimulate when performing a sensual journey for your ultimate delight. It is a full body massage, where our masseuses cover her stomach and upper body, mainly breasts, with nuru oil and slowly guide her body rhythmically up and down from your spine to your head. It will make you feel that you two are one entity.

During nuru massage, our massage therapist works on your body and activates all chakras. You feel like you are charged with abundant energy, rippling up and down to your body. It is known as kundalini energy. All your senses will become alive, and you feel tickly with every tantalising sensation. Nuru massage activates the pressure points present in our body and increases the blood flow. During your first session, you may feel like your body will melt down and lose its sense of dimension and time. All your muscles and joints are relaxed, and any aches or pains you had before will more feel like a passing memory.

Improved sleep adds a creative flow of energy, thus enabling you to make effective and transparent decisions. That’s why when you take this service from us, you will experience a knock-on effect on your relationships, financial goals and hobbies. You will find yourself more confident and patient in your actions.



Prostate Massage


Prostate massage or sacred spot massage is one of our massage agency’s most popular massage therapies. According to tantric philosophy, G-spot is an emotional sex center of males. The prostate is the small gland that is about an inch in diameter and situated under the bladder. It helps men in dealing with issues like premature ejaculations and prostitutes. In this massage therapy, our masseurs give slow, gentle and light movement to the prostate gland as it is sensitive and offers intense sensual pleasure, combined with explosive happiness to make you feel more empowered and comfortable.

We offer our clients the most downright and relieving pleasure. Just imagine how it feels when a breathtakingly gorgeous woman takes you to the room, where candles are placed all over and a king-size bed for immeasurable pleasure. Words can’t justify what it feels. When you get the opportunity to gain this experience, you deserve that pure satisfaction. With the help of our professional masseuses, you can get on the joyride that you won’t forget for the rest of your life.

The benefit of prostate massage can’t be understated. Apart from the sensual pleasure that a person experiences physically, prostate and full body massage have some medical advantages. For instance, if anyone struggles with erectile dysfunction, painful ejaculation, prostitutes or urine flow, this massage will act as a free prostate examination. Prostate massage helps in cleaning the prostatic duct. This pipeline or duct runs between the prostate and the rest of the urinary and reproductive system. Massaging may develop spontaneous secretion of fluid, which helps clean the duct with any liquid. Apart from that, this massage will help you eliminate any symptoms you are experiencing.

Apart from that person struggling to have a pleasurable feeling or reaching climax, during regular intercourse, a prostate massage can become the reason for your welcome release. With the help of the prostate massage technique, you can experience a significant increase in the intensity of your orgasm.


Yoni Massage


Yoni is the “Sanskrit” word for the female genitals. Our yoni technique is a medicine from real life, is a massage practice for awakening and enhancing women’s innate sensual, emotional, and spiritual energies.

It comes from the word “sense” and refers to earthly desires, the appetite of the body and of the mind for gratification. True to the meaning of the word, an massage is a combination of all things pleasurable to the senses and the mind.

We start with the eyes, and yours will feast upon alluring beauties from exotic lands, their flawless skin and flowing hair. Their smile is a prelude to a musical, tinkling voice that holds more promises than just the words they speak.

As they approach, a delicate scent will tease your sense of smell for it, is a combination of perfume the masseuses wears on, for you and her own, natural fragrance.

The sense of touch is where the experience culminates because it is with their hands and body that the masseuse is most gifted. Perhaps, if you are good, you might even get to indulge your sense of taste.


Body to Body Massage


Want to get an erotic massage experience, then choose a body-to-body massage service. Our masseuse will take her body against yours during the unique body to body massage. After covering your body meticulously with the non-scented massage oil and preparing you to follow the delight, she will glide up and down slowly on your body, caressing you at your amorous areas in a way that fill you with ultimate pleasure.

Rooted in ancient Japan, body to body massage is an intimate massage therapy that stimulates and accomplishes your sensual desires. The concept of the body sliding over another body in motion originated from old tantric principles, designed to promote psychological and physical health. When you choose our services, our experienced and beautiful masseuses will their bodies and hands both to entice you, caress you, and tease you. With the slow, soothing strokes, she will slide and rub across you with every inch of her naked body. Starting from back to head to toes, repeating the process on your front, rhythmically and sensually caressing every inch of your body. Our body to body massage services will relieve your stress, awaken your pressures, reduce muscle tension, and improve blood circulation in the most pleasurable way possible.

Skilled at therapeutic massage and trained equally in the art of manifesting pleasure, she will combine her myriad of talents with her charming personality to whisk you off into a world of heady experiences and sensations that you did not imagine possible. We also offer outcall massage in London.



Lingam Massage


A lingam massage is a type of massage that primarily focuses on the male genitalia, externally. One sensual massage is to awaken a form of divine energy said to be located at the base of the spine.

A concept where it was seen as a force or power associated with the divine feminine which when cultivated and awakened through practice, could lead to spiritual liberation. The lingam massage is an arousing and relaxing massage performed by a professional masseuse, designed to clear energy blockages and build a new connection of the penis to the mind. It starts with a slow seduction that gradually builds into a blissful energy release, making you feel content and satisfied.

Believe it or not, ejaculation is not the goal here, as this technique can give a man an orgasm or orgasms without the necessity of ejaculation. However, the ejaculation happens because of a beautiful side-effect of lingam massage. There are more benefits in addition to the obvious one of sensual pleasure. It teaches you to have more control over your sensual appetite and energy, thereby also curing problems concerning premature ejaculation. Likewise, you will attain a firmer erection with better blood circulation in the pelvic areas. Lingam massage is often regarded as an alternative holistic therapy for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.


Aqua Massage


This therapy is actually a type of massage which can be made to improve intimacy among individuals. It is any touch-based therapy that involves contact with the genitals. Traditionally, it was meant to be a relaxing service for stress relief. In aqua massage, the masseuse uses massage oil in the water, knead, and stroke pleasurable parts of the other’s partner’s body.

It is an erotic massage performed naked in a bath or a shower. Our masseuse will harness the powers of warm water, bath oils, and her own glazed naked body to soak away all your stress and lets you relax. Aqua massage is one of the exciting ways to start your massage session. It is a head-to-toe roller coaster ride filled with a naughty and delightfully erotic twist. You can pick any of our stunning masseuses to accompany you on this exciting wicked, and wild adventure. Our masseuses will guide you to the shower, where we will deliver the ultimate erotic bliss to make you feel relaxed and refreshed.

With sexy music in the background, dim light, and flavoured candles, our masseuses will gently lead you to the adventurous bath, slowly revealing her body as she drops her clothes in parts. Aqua massage guarantees that you will enjoy every second of our service. You will begin to connect on the most intimate level, and we will tenderly wash all your stress away with a beautiful smile. Our masseuses will offer you a sensual tantric massage to awaken your senses and spirit. Twisting her gorgeous curves, she will use every inch of her body to stimulate, thrill and pleasure you from within.

Aqua massage is quite private ritual and includes close connection with the masseuse. We provide you with everything you need while caressing you and gently touching you. You are bound to experience various levels of pleasure while releasing your tension and get back in touch with your senses and feel connected intimately with someone.


Bodystocking Massage


Do you wish to be touched by a sexy girl’s feet and legs with her stockings ? Bodystocking massage offers erotic and mesmerising stocking massage experience. Our masseuses have super-sexy erotic stocking massage techniques that are proven and designed to fulfil your sensual desires. With years of experience in the tantric massage industry, we have a many in house masseuse who has perfected their skills and will take you under the magic of their special stocking touch. You’ll be touched in new ways that you have never imagined.

A tailor-made service for all those who wish to feel unique and pampered ! This is the innocent nurse. Mouth-watering delicacies presented on her enticing contours. Get ready for your incall or outcall massage. A much more sensual massage than the classic nude massage, it is soft, relaxing, and warm.

During the massage the practitioner will remain attentive to your needs and your desires. The movements of the body are slower and softer during exchanges in the most total intimacy, always in mutual respect, with sensuality being privileged throughout the massage session. This is the strawberry.



Couple Massage


The perfect opportunity to bond with your significant other, the couple massage means two masseuses, two very lucky clients sharing the opportunity to bond on a whole new level.

Our experts in the art of putting clients minds at ease with their open, relaxed demeanor as their talented hands work their magic on their bodies. This makes the perfect way to introduce your partner to the unique pleasures that are to be had through this time-tested and proven method of relaxation and release.

Also, watching your partner’s body being treated with sensuous care and alluring expertise by a delectable masseuse, as they watch the same on you creates an atmosphere ripe with ample possibilities.

The couple massage is the ideal way to experience naked massage as the gateway to a night of passion and discovery. Our masseuse will work hard to put you at your ease during your massage session. They will ensure that you get the best experience and leave your massage session feeling refreshed, sated and ready to book another session!


Domination Massage


The wonderful thing about massage is that there is virtually no limit to the number of forms that it can take soft domination. How it can be adapted to the individual to deliver the best experience for them.

If domination, either on the giving or receiving end, is your thing, an masseuse can help you create a experience that you will never forget.

Our service massage therapy for man includes domination by a girl of your choice. If you have been harboring fantasies of being dominated, this is the chance to make it come true in the most confidential way. Being in control all the time can get very boring.

Let one of our delectable beauties show you what lies on the other side of the mirror. No matter where we are from, we are all the same inside. That means that the same deep, dark domination desires that you hold within you are shared with people from across the world.

The girls are elegant and sexy, but they are strict. They are responsible for levelling up the game and will tell when the procedure will be completed. In domination, role play is an important part that can’t be ignored, just like the dressing; that’s why our girls wear adorable and ultra-sensual pieces of clothing and make use of props to extract as much pleasure as they can. When a client comes to us and asks for our domination service, we try to get details of every deep desire he has so that we can stand out on his expectations.

Domination is a beautiful way to escape from routine life. It allows those men who take the tremendous strain of their life to immerse themselves in submissive and subservience completely. Through our services, many people might get the opportunity to relax a bit. Our masseurs come from different backgrounds and are available in all areas of Central London. Therefore if you are serious about your deep desires, we are the reputed service provider you can hire to spend some private time. If you are unwilling to take the play to the next level, you can also get some dabble in light domination play. The choice is entirely yours.


Foot Fetish



Treat or trick ? Treat yourself and your body to the experienced touch of one of our stunning masseuses, and let her indulge your passion for her elegant feet, bewitching ankles and toes.

If a female foot massage fascinates you, you are at the right place. We have a diverse selection of masseuses for your choice. No matter what your taste is ! We have a masseuse for you. Do you know ? Next to your genitals, your foot is considered the most fetishized body part. There is a famous saying that “When trees age, their roots age first”, same is with us, humans. Our feet age first, then the rest of our body. So, it becomes crucial to take care of your feet.

The sensual, warm sensations you get when our masseuse massage with her perfectly manicured feet is one of a kind. Treat yourself with our erotic masseuses and let her indulge your passion for her elegant feet, bewitching ankles and toes. Our masseuses will stimulate waves of ecstatic pleasure. You will be transported to a state of euphoria of pure arousal. Erotic body to body massage with our masseuse’s warm hands and fabulous feet will give you an extraordinary experience.



Four Hands Massage


When it is time to indulge, why not go all the way with 4 hand massage ? We think that the perfect way for you to really give yourself a treat is to double the number of hands running across your body.

This exercise in pure indulgence is the sensual pairing a wide variety of dazzling masseuses to test the limits of your capacity for sensory titillation. If you have ever had a nude massage of any kind at us, we don’t need to convince you of the quality of service that we have always strive to maintain and deliver.

If you believe you can withstand double or triple the sensations, sights, sounds and waves of ecstasy that you experienced with just one of our talented professionals, this is the perfect opportunity to reach new heights of gratification.


Girlfriend Experience Massage


This might include activities such as kissing, holding hands, talking, or being discrete touched. Generally, any activity that one might engage in with a significant other is on the table.

Clients that opt for this type of service, typically, are more in want of the companionship of the other person. The focus is more on the interpersonal connection.

With the girlfriend experience, the adult massage is more intimate and more personal than a typical experience. The male equivalent is referred to as the boyfriend experience (BFE). Not only man can apply for this naked massage, women are welcome too. Specially the ones in love with other women, very similar with yoni massage and mutual massage, just with a bit more sensual and intimate.


Party and Massage


Chosen for their sultry looks and charming demeanor, masseuses are not just experts at the art of sensuous massage, but multi-talented, fascinating creatures you have to know to fully appreciate.

We now are allowing you to the opportunity to do exactly that. After repeated requests from our clients, we are now proud to introduce the massage and a party with the masseuses package !

Make a choice of two or more of our delectable ladies and party the night away in an authentic interaction that just might leave you with lifelong memories.

Whereas with just a massage you get to experience just one of the many talents they possess, a party is where these talented ladies really let their hair down and reveal themselves.

Discover the woman behind the hands that work magic and you will find a young, fresh mind open to ideas and an engaging personality that will captivate and mesmerize you. And the thing with parties is who knows where they might lead.



Dinner Date and Massage


We are purveyors of happiness and merchants of dreams and fantasies. Our masseuses are not simply ladies who work for us but amazing individuals whom we respect and admire for their dedication, talents and unique abilities.

Of course, the fact that these ladies also happen to be exceedingly beautiful, intelligent, articulate and bursting with positivity also makes them one other, special thing, the perfect date.

Our masseuse is the ultimate combination of both worlds. After the electrifying and potent exhilaration of a sensual massage by one of these talented masseuses, you will now have the golden opportunity to discover more intimately the person behind the hands that work that magic.

Forget overcrowded clubs and bars and the anxiety of concerns about health that they entail. Welcome to the fun with a safe happy end experience.


Mutual Massage


Choosing us for a mutual massage experience really is a great choice, it is a mix between ying and yang and something that we are sure you will want to do again. You will be taught how to perform some deep body to body massage strokes taking you to the height of pleasure but in a very controlled and sensual fashion.

The session really will leave you feeling like you are on cloud nine and if this is something that interests you then make sure you get in touch with our superb receptions for an unforgettable mutual massage which are offered as both and incall and outcall service in the London area with happy ending.

In all other types of massage, clients were at the receiving end, but with the mutual massage, you have to give back masseuse some of what she is already offering you. Meaning that you will not be passive in the massage process. Instead, you will provide services to our masseuse that you have learned in the first couple of minutes of the massage session.

The mutual massageΒ is a session that allows you to take care of your masseuse. Being part of a mutual massage can help you build a good connection with your masseuse, not to mention that you will learn the skills. A mutual touching massage may help you develop a strong bond with your masseuse while also learning new skills that will help you apply those skills in your personal lives.


Oriental Massage


Our experience and enthusiasm of our masseuse known for offering an erotic belly dancing massage service to stimulate erotic or sensual thoughts in the viewer’s mind. You can browse our website to find a charming, reliable and physically attractive masseuse.

Erotic dance is one of several major dance categories based on purpose. All the masseurs we have are professionally qualified in standard therapeutic practices.



Tie and Tease Massage


This type of massage could easily take part of a domination massage category, just the difference is, how far ? Our professional ladies use their hands to touch you and to get you to lose control. As light touch tickling a guy and pushing him over the edge, do you like receiving ?

How long do you last against this onslaught of the finger pads and maybe with some sane restraints. If you’d like to do this, hit me up and I’m ok to pay for the trouble.