
tea leaves 3 crop banner 2

the freshest and best teas sourced from the the best tea gardens in India, Nepal, Japan, China, Sri Lanka and more….

how to…’, ‘quotes and notes’ and info sheets for each tea, including information on tea preparation and provenance…..

fine tea pots and cups to better enjoy the multi-dimensions of fresh, quality loose leaf tea….

filters, strainers, kettles, books will be included in the array of accoutrements to enhance and simplify the beauty of the tea drinking experience….


have a sniff around or head to the new facebook shop !

for more information on teas, preparation, prices etc

contact stu– theteacatcher@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Delicious! Darjeeling light and perfectly bright, and Earl Grey so much nicer than those perfume tasting things masquerading out there as tea.

  2. I just received a delivery of Tea Catcher tea and I’m sipping on my first, hot mug of tea right now. The flavours are so fresh and refreshing. So crisp and flavoursome. Love it. Thank you!

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