
Offering advanced surgical Services  |  Keyhole Surgery  |  Airway Surgery  |  Orthopaedic Surgery

Caring for your pets and supporting you too

By actively listening to your concerns, we tailor our approach to meet your pet’s specific needs. To aid in this process, we utilise visual aids like diagrams and videos during consultations, ensuring you have a clear understanding of your pet’s health and treatment options. We believe strongly in empowering you with knowledge, so you can make the best decisions for your pet. Our clinic is equipped with advanced medical technology, ensuring we’re prepared for anything from routine check-ups to more complex procedures.

We are also proudly the only practice on the Gold Coast that offers Keyhole Surgery. Yet, despite having all of this incredible equipment, it’s the warmth and safety of our space that truly sets us apart, making both you and your pet feel at ease. Open communication is key to our practice. We take the time to discuss your pet’s health thoroughly, ensuring you’re informed and comfortable with the treatment plan. At The Vet Lounge, we are more than just a veterinary service provider; we are your partner in ensuring your pet’s journey is a happy and healthy one.





















Our Services

Our team includes highly skilled vets, allowing us to provide not only standard veterinary services but also advanced treatments not available at all clinics. Additionally, we offer Canine Rehabilitation Services and Luxury Pet Boarding  for cats and small dogs.

Easy payment options available:

Passionate about client education

Why we go to great lengths to help you understand

We believe that your pet’s well-being is significantly improved when you fully understand their needs. That’s why we’ve dedicated time to creating effective client educational tools. During your visit, we use a combination of images, diagrams, and videos to clearly explain your pet’s condition. Where applicable, we will also send you a text link to access further reading. This approach, combining verbal explanations with visual aids, has been highly appreciated by our clients. Our program is tailored to ensure you receive the information you need in the most effective way, empowering you to take the best possible care of your pet.

What our clients have to say

Three convenient locations

Coomera   Currumbin  •  Ormeau

Coomera Currumbin • Ormeau




Latest Resources

Keep up to date with the latest pet health and clinic information.

To ensure our vets and nurses are always learning, are up-to-date with the latest in animal care, and adhering to high ethical standards, we are proud members of: