A down to earth approach to Clairvoyance and Modern Spirituality”

Tim Fraser Professional Clairvoyant

Psychic readings are now available via phone for previous clients located outside of Brisbane

Hello and welcome to my website. My name is Tim Fraser. I’m a professional Clairvoyant based in Brisbane, Australia. I have been conducting psychic readings in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast for tens of thousands of people since 1990. I offer personal readings by appointment, available in-person at Stafford or via phone sessions for clients across the country and around the world.

To describe in a few sentences what a psychic reading may consist of can be very difficult as most people’s personal experiences and circumstances are quite diverse. One person may come along for a reading and be given insight into their career or business dealings, a particular relationship, or family concerns. Another person may be given detailed information about their love life or romance and in some cases their spiritual development or personal growth, the possibilities are endless.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been interested in psychic phenomena, spiritualism and the meaning of life. I have always considered psychic ability to be the sixth sense inherent in all human beings; unfortunately, many people have become disillusioned or even scared when it comes to these concepts as humanity has been bombarded with misconceptions, superstition and dogma ever since mankind started looking within.

“You’re a soul with an incredible storehouse of knowledge that’s constantly evolving. Your soul has a predetermined plan, a complex pattern of human experiences each lifetime that it has to absorb, develop from, and balance with, through the exploration of physical reality.”

For over thirty years, I have maintained a down to earth approach with my readings. What you will gain is real life information that can help you to understand yourself, your current circumstances, and the pathway you’re on.

“Whether you believe it or not, you’re enrolled in a comprehensive spiritual curriculum, an inner curriculum often unknown to the conscious mind. It’s this inner curriculum that interests me as it governs a person’s destiny.”

Your soul has a pre-arranged plan, a spiritual blueprint designed before it incarnates. The soul knows its evolutionary pathway and what it will experience through the exploration of physical reality. Free will in the general sense is limited in some experiences and you’ll often find it can only be exercised effectively if it’s in accordance with your soul’s pathway. I’m not saying we cannot pick and choose with our lives, we do every day, but what I’m saying is that you have a deeper, more subtle pattern at work that governs your destiny as a human being.

“A clairvoyant cannot change or control destiny for anybody; common sense will tell you that if clairvoyants could manipulate destiny they would all be instant lottery millionaires!”

A clairvoyant can only read a person’s life psychically. I see many things in people’s lives every day; and I know that some of these experiences cannot be avoided or changed no matter what the person believes or is told. Some people may disagree with this statement but from the perspective of an experienced clairvoyant it’s an everyday part of the phenomena.

“The human being is a temporary vehicle for soul development through a succession of earth lifetimes. The soul is an information and experience gathering system, a repository of information that we gather during each sojourn.”

One of my favourite mottos is “real things – real results,”  I don’t add on, I don’t take away, I don’t edit anything to suit. You’ll be given information as I receive it in the moment.

“Previous incarnations affect your present life and circumstances as a result of what your soul has learned, and in some cases not learned. The soul will then try to re-apply and test that knowledge through the human form with opportunities in your present or future lifetimes. This is one of the fundamental concepts of Karma.”

I’m not a “side-show fortune teller” and my readings are not really for entertainment purposes, if you’re looking for that you may be disappointed. Clairvoyant readings with me focus on your personal direction and pathway and how that relates to your situations and circumstances, past, present and future.

So, if you’re looking for a genuine psychic reading and you would like to gain a greater understanding about some of the things I have briefly talked about here and how it relates to your own life, please feel free to contact me. I would love to talk with you. I can guarantee it will be an interesting experience for us both.

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