I partly owe the success of my manufacturing unit to the electrical maintenance contract I have with AF Electrical. They take care of all heavy duty lines and electrical equipment. The electricians also regularly carry out all my test and tag service sso that all equipment is performing at peak efficiency levels. It also makes sure that everything is safe to be used by my workers and technicians. Thanks to AF Electrical, I rarely face any downtime apart from regular maintenance services. I also receive a discount due to the long term relationship and contract I have with them. Thanks guys for all the excellent work.
When I built my new house, I put a lot of emphasis on electrical wiring and fittings and cost was not a factor in this regard. First, I called in AF Electrical, Master electrician for the state of Victoria and allotted the task to them on a turnkey basis. They really did a wonderful job. Circuit breakers and surge protectors were installed for added safety and the switch boards and wiring were of superior quality. Most lights were LED ones instead of florescent lamps to reduce electricity bills. I was really amazed at how professionally and effectively they completed their work. Over the last 5 years I have not had a single problem with the fixtures or wiring thanks to AF Electrical.
We used Whitfield Electrical recently when the power kept tripping out continuously at our office in Port Melbourne. We found them very competent electricians, and solved the problem quickly and cheaply.
Complete protection of my home and family from any risks is of paramount importance for me. This is why I have ensured that my house is secured with circuit breakers and surge protectors to safeguard us and expensive appliances from any electrical problems. The complete task of wiring and installation of switchboards was given to AF Electrical, one of the best electrical contractors in Melbourne. They have done an excellent job and most importantly at very affordable rates. Thank you AF Electrical for the wonderful work.
When I built my new home not far from the existing one, there were two things I was sure of. The first was to get AF Electrical do the full electrical job on a turnkey basis and the second was to have safety switches installed. I have had previous experience of hiring the company and have always been very satisfied with their work. Their team of master electricians finishes any job quickly and effectively. I have also called them for electrical emergencies and they have responded immediately even outside office hours. Excellent quality of work!