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Bionizer Chlorine Free Pool Systems

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Reviews for Bionizer Chlorine Free Pool Systems (18)

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18 reviews
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1 review · 400 points
12 Nov 2022
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The best after sale service. My Bioniser was fixed quickly and comprehensively.

1 review · 600 points
verified email - 10 Dec 2015
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I purchased my Bionizer in 2010 (over 5 years ago) and could not be happier with the product and service. Ian has always responded quickly to my inquiries and the pool is always crystal clear. Probably the best compliment I have received was approximately 2 weeks ago when I invited a friend for a swim and he said, "I would normally decline, but swimming in freshwater feels too good to pass up." Also, my kids have asthma and even though I cannot definitively say that the Bionizer has alleviated their symptoms, it does give some peace of mind that it could be. Lastly, the financial and time savings over the years have also been fantastic. I highly recommend the Bionizer and the Bionizer team.

1 review · 600 points
verified email - 10 Nov 2015
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After extensive research from the web I decided on the Bionizer system for sanitising our new pool that I installed 2 years ago now , as a plumber the Bionizer , associated PH Boss & Oxidiser was a treat to install , as a complete novice with all things pool related , the instruction manual & instant phone assistance I was given by the technical staff when required was first class . As mentioned , after 2 years with the Bionizer I have to ask the question , why would you have anything else ???? The kids love it , friends with a daughter that's infected with psoriasis love it due to the remedial /stabilising effect of the water, my wife & I love the fresh /spring water feel , add the minimal service requirements , even during the lousy Melbourne winter periods , ongoing contact with Bionizer via Emails make this system first class in my book , & no ! I don't work for the company .

Thank you for your kind words Rod!

1 review · 600 points
verified email - 19 Jun 2015
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Hi Gary
Just wanted to let you know that so far we are very happy with the bioniser. The pool looks amazing the water is clearer and more inviting than it has ever been. Even with the rain that we have had in the last few days. My husband and I are both kicking ourselves that we didn't swap over to the Bioniser much sooner!!

1 review · 600 points
verified email - 11 May 2015
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I love swimming into our pool now! Before Bioniser, I would choose the ocean to swim in because I didn't like the smell of chlorine that was on my body after and i just don't like swimming in chlorine! Now, our water feels so soft - everyone comments and there is no nasty after smell! I love to swim safely! Thanks Bioniser!

06 May 2015
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Fitting the Bioniser system to my pool is best thing I have done. All my friends and family are amazed how good is to swim in and how beautiful the water looks.

My brother has since fitted the Bioniser system to his pool and is over the moon.


1 review · 400 points
06 May 2015
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We recently had our Bionizer installed. It is now fully operational with PhBoss and the Oxidiser modules.
The pool is extremely clear and there is no odour of chlorine at all (because there is no chlorine left in the pool). The swimming experience is different, reminds me of going for a swim in a river or freshwater lake.

We are really happy with the product (3 months in) and have found it to work well.”


1 review · 400 points
06 May 2015
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I am quite delighted with the performance of your products. I had some initial problems getting the pool chemistry right, but with Gary's expert guidance I overcame these and now have a consistently beautiful pool.

Bionizer and pHBoss - what a combination!

Best wishes.

1 review · 600 points
verified email - 06 May 2015
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Although many folks I spoke to (none of whom had first hand experience with Bionizer) told me that Bionizer wouldn't work on pools in Phoenix (US)...I went ahead and fitted the system on my pool in Gilbert in Feb 2015. It has only been three months but this pool is now a whole new ball game compared to the "old pool" I had running and huge amounts of chlorine just to keep it clear. I now never have to test the pH and the copper/silver levels are right on target any time I bother to test which is only about every two weeks.

These guys have really delivered...many weeks now in the 90's (degrees Fahrenheit) and my pool is simply sparkling. I am so glad I didn't listen to the naysayers and went ahead with Bionizer. They have been so helpful...refreshing to be treated special and any question has been fully answered. So glad and so better of now since Bionizer went on my pool.

Lawrence, Phoenix, Arizona

1 review · 600 points
verified email - 06 May 2015
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Hi Ian,

In the first place i like to tell you that we are very happy with the Bionizer. It is absolutely perfect for the location we have with lots of trees and bush around.

We installed the pool at Christmas and we did 2 checkups after about 3 weeks and that was all!! The pool is clear all the time. The pump is running 1/2 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening and that is it. Just in the weekend we have it running for a couple of hours but that is to clean the leafs and dust out but that is because of where it is located.”

Kind regards from a happy customer,
Fam. VanderHoeven

1 review · 600 points
verified email - 06 May 2015
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Hi there,
I wish to tell you that I have had backyard pools for over 30 years, and with this pool, struggled with a salt chlorinator to recover from previous neglect. However since installing the Bionizer this pool has been a dream to maintain, keeping a steady value for all tests and, following your advice, adding a cup of liquid chlorine to restore crystal clear water perhaps every two weeks when any cloudiness occurs.
I am a very happy customer…thank you Bionizer!”

J. Paterson

1 review · 0 points
verified email - 11 Mar 2015
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I wish I had known about Bionizers when I was building and running Resorts in North Qld! I would love to see them in commercial operations and see how they cope with all the extra lotions and oils put through them.

Anyhow I'm very pleased with the Bionizer and most particular when talking to other non-Bionizer pool owners - when they are lamenting about all the salt or chlorine and costs! I almost feel ashamed when its my turn to talk - and I tell them how well behaved and cheap to run my pool is.

If you ever need anybody to represent you in Noosa/Gympie area a couple of days a week, please let me know as I might be interested.

- Mark Henry

1 review · 400 points
19 Feb 2015
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Just a short note to tell you how thrilled I am with the performance of the Bionizer. As you may remember I installed one of your first units on my pool some 4 years ago. At that time I was working as a pool salesman for one of the prestige pool companies in Brisbane where I gained a lot of experience in the sales and the advantages of your product.

I had several reasons for installing a Bionizer – Firstly – I am not a great lover of swimming in a saltwater pool as I don't like the taste of the water and because in my 30 years in the swimming pool industry i know that there is the same level of chlorine in a saltwater pool as there is in a straight chlorine pool.

Secondly – I have two beautiful granddaughters who love to swim but are very susceptible to allergies – chlorine brings them out in a nasty rash. I must admit that I was a little sceptical when you first introduced me to your product. I have to tell you that I and my family love the freshness and the clarity of the water in my pool. I am a very satisfied customer who wishes you and your product well in the future.

19 Feb 2015
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The pool is just as fresh as rain water since we installed the Bionizer system. It's so easy and only a tiny amount of chemicals are used now. There is no more dry skin from the salt we had before.

1 review · 0 points
verified email - 18 Feb 2015
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Bionizer are very helpful - and assisted with my issues wonderfully as I didn't know what I was doing at the beginning.

I would highly recommend Bionizer to anybody for their products and customer service. My pool is just fantastic and my kids love it - and so do the neighbours.

1 review · 0 points
verified email - 15 Feb 2015
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My name is Lloyd Baker, my wife and I purchased a Bionizer system from you. We are very pleased with the product and the functions the system has. No more chemicals Yahoo!!.

We never had a pool before and the first two weeks having a pool were a nightmare with the rain we have had. Using chlorine like no tomorrow we researched and saw you guys. Our life savour! We had thoughts of ripping the pool out.

Now thanks to your Bionizer system we have not used any chlorine, the water looks beautiful no smell or odour of chlorine.

The savings on power too are amazing, we're running the pool for 2 hours per night at present. The testing required is minimal for such an excellent result. Very Happy Customers we recommend the system to everyone!

1 review · 0 points
verified email - 13 Feb 2015
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I replaced my salt water chlorinator with the Bionizer system almost 12 months ago after searching on the internet for a non-chlorine sanitizer.

I am allergic to chlorine and was restricted to no more than a five minute swim on the hottest of summer days. Longer than that and I would break out into extremely itchy spots that would last for days. Further my grandchildren often complained of sore red eyes. Their swimming gear and pool towels quickly faded and required constant washing to get rid of the chlorine smell. I became increasingly worried that If chlorine was doing this to their clothes what was it doing to their bodies.

The pool was really more trouble than it was worth and I seriously considered getting rid it entirely. Luckily I stumbled on the Bionizer web page and contacted you. I was immediately impressed with your expert knowledge of pools and pool chemicals. Practical advice without the pushy sales pitch approach. I took up the offer of a 90 day money back guarantee. I figured I couldn't lose by giving Bionizer a try.

I installed the system myself in about 15 minutes and within days was swimming in clean chemical free water. No chlorine burns, no smell, no chemicals and no red sore eyes! Just soft silky ‘pure' feeling water that is crystal clear.

I now have a worry-free pool and swimming is fun again. The grandkids and their parents happily spend hours in the pool that is entirely free of harmful chemicals. Even my latest grandson at six weeks of age has had a dip. Bionizer has lived up to all of its claims including substantial savings on pool chemicals.

I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Bionizer to every pool owner who wants an environmentally friendly, healthy pool that is free of poisonous harmful chemicals.

Thank you!

1 review · 400 points
13 Feb 2015
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Dear Bionizer Team,

My husband and I would like to firstly thank you for saving our learn to swim business because without “the” Bionizer I would not have been able to continue teaching as I had developed an allergic reaction to chlorine which had affected 90% of my body and was very uncomfortable.

Until we found your product and spoke to the Bionizer team our long-term dreams were shattered, and we had been planning and building our pool for 6 years.

One simple phone call and a day later we were able to easily retro fit the Bionizer to our current filter system and we have not looked back. With some commonsense and advice over the phone it is simple to run and easy to maintain.

Our clients are stoked that we no longer put carcinogenic products in our pool and the kids and adults don't go home with sore red eyes and itchy skin. We cannot give you product and helpfulness enough ‘raps' and we would highly recommend The Bionizer to any pool owner.

Have a swimming day!