Boil the Billy Coaching

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6am- 4pm


6am- 6pm


6am- 9pm


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Reviews for Boil the Billy Coaching (22)

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22 reviews
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verified email - 09 Aug 2013
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I really enjoyed my experience with Jen and the course I attended it was so encouraging and she is very supportive and a beautiful person.

#1 in North Tamworth NSW
1 review · 405 points
verified email - 12 May 2013
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Even being a professional we involve ourselves in so many thing that we forget to look into ourselves and see what we actually wants. Boil the Billy Coaching not only helps you to see the unseen but also recognises your potential and ability ad guides you to achieve your short putting your train on track and ensures it stays on track.
all credit goes to Jenny Wright for her excellent coaching

#3 in Tamworth NSW
1 review · 400 points
verified email - 11 May 2013
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Jen is a very genuine person who honestly wants to help you become your ultimate you! Her enthusiasm is contagious and she has an obvious love for what she does. She can help you clear the fog in your head and focus your energy on your future goals. She will help you make your dreams a reality.

#3 in Tamworth NSW
1 review · 400 points
verified email - 12 Apr 2013
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When Jen and I crossed paths for the first time it was evident to me that I was in the company of someone who was genuine. Her demeanour was upbeat and positive yet in an approachable relaxed way. With her past medical background coupled with an air of spirituality and notable logic I was interested in what she had to say. So I went along to her Boot Camp for Life. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I always left with a feeling of purpose and direction. I loved the way it gave me a new prospective. All I can say is Thank you Jen for helping me find my confidence again!

verified email - 28 Mar 2013
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I first met Jen from Boil the Billy Coaching at Boot Camp for Life. I immediately warmed to Jen as she is professional, positive and inspirational. With so much I needed and wanted to do, Jen assisted me to identify priorities and to keep me focused. I gained clarity and direction so I could achieve my goals. I am now building on my learnings from Boot Camp and having 1:1 coaching with Jen. This provides me an opportunity for independent perspective and a valued support as I embark on more exciting life adventures. Thanks Jen!

#10 in Tamworth NSW
1 review · 410 points
verified email - 25 Mar 2013
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I was reluctant about Boil the Billy Bootcamp not knowing what to expect and what I was getting myself in for. Thank god I did, Bootcamp has changed my thinking dramatically. My first bootcamp session I was negative and despondant about life. I now have clarity and direction with goals that are achievable. My life has changed dramatically. Jen is professional, wise, thoughtful and encouraging. I cant speak highly enough of Boil the Billy. Contact Jen now you wont regret it!!

#3 in Narrabri NSW
1 review · 200 points
verified email - 12 Sep 2012
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Jen has the ability to help you find the answer. She doesn't preach or dictate but she has an amazing ablity to facilitate you finding the best way forward for you. She is flexible with fitting you in for a session and they are always worthwhile. An independant sounding board is severely underselling this service but if that is what you are after you won't be disappointed. Boil the Billy has helped guide me through leaving a job, starting my own business and now looking at options for expanding my business, all the while keeping my personal life in balance.

Approximate cost: $75

verified email - 11 Sep 2012
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We included a 'Boil the Billy' session at our 2012 Angus Youth Leadership Clinic. The participants were aged 16 to 25 & most of them had never done anything like this before. Jen worked through goal setting, team work & time management & everyone LOVED IT! They left the clinic with not only their own personal goals alot clearer but also goals & action plans for the committee. As a coordinator this was great to see, I knew many of the participants had great aims & aspirations but to know Jen had been able to help them put the stepping stones in place to make these dreams a reality was very rewarding. As a result we got Jen back for our next Leadership Clinic in June, this was a great move as she could really build on the discussion from the first clinic & take things to the next level. Both times, Jens clinic scored the highest in the participants feedback survey. I would strongly recommend Boil the Billy for any similar events.

#5 in Muswellbrook NSW
1 review · 400 points
verified email - 19 Jun 2012
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Jen from 'Boil the Billy Coaching' enabled me to find the strengths and abilities that I knew I had in me, yet needed to be worked on and brought to the surface. Before the 'Winter Workshop' I was in a somewhat negative and unmotivated mindset. She was able to help me tap into my priorities and life focus, which enabled me to reasses what is important, helped me to create a positive outlook, and to be grateful for all I have. Thank you Jennie, for helping to bring out the best in me!

#19 in Tamworth NSW
1 review · 220 points
verified email - 22 Mar 2012
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After i realised that it was getting harder & harder to get out of bed in the morning i knew that i needed to act. I attended the Feb 2012 boil the billy workshop. Jen is a visionary and a leader. She is down to earth and provides a modern and holistic approach to help you set goals and actually achieve them. I was a person taht was very out of touch with her feelings & struggled in my relationships.- however after this workshop and continued life coaching i have found alot about myself and the people in my life and i have started to get excited about life again.

If you want a POSITIVE change in your life, you have to start with Jen's workshop. It will truly start to change your life for the better. thankyou so much Jen and Boil the billy!

1 review · 0 points
20 Dec 2011
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One of the best workshops I have ever attended.
I attended a Boil the Billy two day workshop in November and it exceeded my expectations by a mile. I was looking for some direction and goals for my life Jen's encouragement and enthusiasm allowed me to envision the life I wanted and in the weeks since I have achieved a number of short term goals and am making steps towards the longer term ones

verified email - 16 Nov 2011
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Totally engaging and positive. Caring and genuine, thank you! What a fabulous experience. Of two hundred young people, all came out refreshed and focused on their futures.

1 review · 0 points
08 Nov 2011
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Your workshop was nothing short of life-changing. The only way to describe exactly how I feel.
I have walked away from your Winter Workshop with so much more than what I expected, the magnitude of what your coaching can help people achieve is enormous, such a small investment for such a BIG change in one's future. You let me see our future SO MUCH more clearly than ever before and I walked away with clarity of our future and a clear direction and steps to help achieve just that. I would recommend your Workshops and Coaching sessions to anyone who seeks positive change in their life. Thoroughly recommend.

1 review · 200 points
verified email - 06 Nov 2011
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My experience with Boil the Billy Coaching was fantastic. Jen was very unassuming, positive, and most importantly, helped me come up with tangible action points as a result of the coaching session. Thanks Jen

1 review · 0 points
04 Nov 2011
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I'm not normally one for coaching workshops, however when my friend suggest we attend I was happy to go along for the ride - and I am happy I did. Jen helped me consider so many things about my life, where I am heading and how best to get there. After our weekend workshop I came back to work and my family. It wasn't long until people started to notice these small changes which have slowly been building up to the great future I have ahead of me. Thanks Jen, it was greatfun, I learnt so much about myself and the world I am building around me.

#1 in Coolah NSW
1 review · 200 points
verified email - 04 Nov 2011
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I attended Jen's workshop in Tamworth 2011, it was filled with inspiration and discovery. It made me change the way I looked at my life and myself. Jen is an amazing individual, she is a great mentor, she makes people feel good about themselves. I would recommend this to anyone.

#39 in Toowoomba QLD
1 review · 200 points
verified email - 03 Nov 2011
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My experience with Boil the Billy was definitely life changing to say the least. Jen has a knack for seeing the best in everyone and knows how to bring it out. I would highly recommend Boil the Billy to anyone looking to better themselves and be all they can be!

#14 in Tamworth NSW
1 review · 200 points
verified email - 27 Oct 2011
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I went to a Winter Workshop, keen and curious, but unsure of what I wanted to achieve from it. After 2 days working with Jen, I had had a clearer and much more positive outlook on life and felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders! Before completing the Winter Workshop, I was feeling quite low, unmotivated, stressed and tired. Jen taught me so much and ever since I have had a huge amount of positivity and self-belief. I have already achieved some of the goals I set for myself at the workshop and I am sure that I will achieve many more. Everything and everyone in my life has benefited from the new me and I have Jen to thank! I would recommend Boil The Billy Life Coaching to everyone!

27 Oct 2011
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I have had several life coaching sessions with Jen and will definitely be using her service again.
Jen is very down-to-earth, friendly and non-judgemental. I found it easy to open up to her about several issues I was having in different areas of my life. Jen has a natural ability to help you create your own ideas and solutions to problems. You feel great after speaking to her because she encourages you and reminds you of your strengths.
My personal life and work life have improved dramatically since I started having coaching sessions and I would encourage absolutely anybody to give it a try.

1 review · 200 points
verified email - 26 Oct 2011
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I attended the 'Boil the Billy' Winter workshop. It was a two day weekend workshop where Jenny the life coach lead me on a journey of self reflection on the road to development of my own personal life goals. The workshop used many different activities including guided imagery, craft, group discussions, personal reflection, video footage, and much more, to ensure all different learning styles of the group were catered for.

Approximate cost: $95.00

#20 in Wallsend NSW
1 review · 200 points
verified email - 24 Oct 2011
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I had six months of Life Coaching with Boil the Billy Coaching. Jen gently encouraged me and guided me towards finding the way forward, within a number of areas of my life. Nothing was too difficult. She was unfazed by my issues. At all times Jen affirmed and encouraged, and allowed me the freedom to explore things that cannot be addressed with those closest to me. I now have a clear direction as to my future career options, my living arrangements have moved along in ways I could not imagine, and my self-confidence and self-belief has grown immensely. I would highly recommend Jen as a Life Coach for anyone who is ready to move forward in their lives and make a difference to their world.''

verified email - 24 Oct 2011
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I went to a Boil The Billy Winter Workshop this year & it was fantastic! It taught me how to not only set goals but also how to make a realistic plan to ensure I achieve them, the workshop also taught me how to stay motivated & positive. I can honestly say I have achieved more in the 2 months since the workshop than I have in the last two years! I loved the small workshop size,it made it very personal & one on one.I also loved the fact Jen Wright has a country background and could relate to the aspirations & also challenges that go with living & working in a rural area.I would recommend Boil the Billy Coaching to anyone.