Dovecare Medical Centre

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Reviews for Dovecare Medical Centre (2)

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1 review · 600 points
verified email - 20 Oct 2018
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Dear DoveCare Medical Centre Doveton. 3177
I would like you to take my name and details off your Patient list. I won't be coming back to your practice anymore I did post a Review (Feedback) a while ago. After I saw on of the Lady Doctors there I was very upset the way she treated me. She wasn't friendly at all. She made me very nervous. I nearly Died that day of the very severe Migraine attack I've had, and she said that she doesn't give patients Migraine tablets the first time she see them later she said to me if I am in severe pain she will give me the prescription I wanted to come to a Medical Centre which is not so far away my Doctor which I see is very far from me now. I don't go from one one Doctor to another Docyor to get prescriptions for Migraine Tablets. She as a Doctor should know people who suffer from very severe Migraines and they have high blood pressure too is serious the pressure in your head is very bad and if you don't take your Migraine tablets then you can get a stroke. I am very dissappointed in this Lady Doctor She will know that she saw me once there.
I will travel the distance and keep seeing my Doctor which I see for many many years.
Amanda van Vuuren

verified email - 02 Mar 2017
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Several GPs with a part time pathology service. [Redacted medical comment as per AHPRA guidelines] All doctors are friendly. Not always easy to get an appointment when needed.