Hair Restore Advanced

check icon 4.5 (2)

Reviews for Hair Restore Advanced (2)

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verified email - 06 Jul 2012
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As one commenter said, this may not be a "breakthrough" treatment, but I don't think anything is going to be a breakthrough until it completely cures hair loss. Nevertheless, Hair Restore Advanced made a big difference in my hair loss. My hair feels better and I'm losing less hair than I was before. It may not be a breakthrough, but let me tell you, it makes me feel a lot better about myself!

adelaidec 07 Jul 2012

Haha we'll written!

#1 in Balgowlah NSW
1 review · 760 points
verified email - 11 May 2012
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When I hit my late thirties, my hair started to thin and then fall out. My dad had lost all his hair by the time he hit his fifties so I knew what to expect, but I was dreading the thought.

So after doing A LOT of online research, I narrowed it down to a few potential treatments. Two used chemicals, and after doing some more research, I read how they could affect your libido.. NOT good!

So I settled for a natural treatment called Hair Restore Advanced. To be honest with you, I wasn't expecting much - especially because it was natural. My dad had never taken any treatments, so I thought I'd just end up like him.

But after about 3 months of taking Hair Restore Advanced, I started seeing significant changes. I think because I caught it early on, I prevented most of the hair from falling out. My hair line has stopped receding and my hair feels a lot thicker now.

I'd definitely recommend this product if you're a bloke suffering from hair loss.

lisant 12 May 2012

Thanks for the useful review!

lisant 12 May 2012

Thanks for the useful review!

mmc7135 22 Jun 2012

I suspect the poster is part of the company. This product is no 'breakthrough', and in time will be proven to be just another grab at the wallets of those who are self conscious about their hair loss.