Kidspot Pty Ltd

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Reviews for Kidspot Pty Ltd (1)

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verified email - 19 May 2012
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Kidspot Social is a Online Community and Forum for Mums. You can create a group or add your name to a group and discuss issues that concern you or create a blog.

You can also trial heaps of interesting things like - laundry powder, toys, books, food and much more. There are limits to these trials so you need to get in early.

You can also enter competitions to win some amazing prizes. Some of the things I have won include - Circus Tickets, Books, Coles on-line vouchers, movie tickets and other things.

So if you like to win things and voice your opinion then you really must try Kidspot. As I stated above they are fantastic!!

sonyas1 19 May 2012

Great site, joined a while ago myself!...