I've been buying my cleaning, cosmetics, supplements, weight loss products, personal care and home care products for my family from Melaleuca for years. I switched because I wanted to get the serious chemicals out of the house before my eldest child was born (8 years ago). The cleaning products are so much better than what I was using before and safer for us. They are not advertised as chemical free but they are free of the harsh chemicals like bleach, chlorine etc... and they work.
Customer service is a free call and it all gets delivered to my house within a couple of days.
To get the best price I order every month and I've put the average cost in the Approx Cost box for this review.
I get 20% of each order put on my loyalty rewards account and I choose a free product every couple of months.
Overall a great direct selling company. Not pushy and happy to have me as a customer.
Approximate cost: $85