Miss Gladys Sym Choon

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Reviews for Miss Gladys Sym Choon (13)

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verified email - 30 Dec 2015
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This review relates to Miss Gladys' gift voucher policies. Their gift vouchers last for only THREE MONTHS. That's not even legal. I bought a gift voucher for my sister for her birthday. She took her time getting into the store, and the gift voucher EXPIRED.

That is disgusting. I lost almost $100, and she lost a present, because of poorly thought out business policies that wouldn't stand up to an ACCC inquiry. Please rethink your policies, Miss Gladys. I haven't shopped at MGSC since this happened, and neither has my family.

It is disappointing to read this in a public forum. I apologize for any distress caused here. It is not our practice to refuse expired gift vouchers. Our practice of making them valid for three months is because we operate on a manual book system and tracking lost vouchers after a long period becomes difficult. However on request we can make vouchers valid for longer periods. I would appreciate it if you could call me ( Michele) at the store on 82231500 to discuss what happened or email [email protected].

biancabowie 05 Jan 2016

Hi Michele, I've contacted my sister to see whether she kept the voucher or threw it out. I will let you know the outcome shortly.

#1 in Manly Vale NSW
335 reviews · 26990 points
verified email - 31 Aug 2015
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This is an awesome little shop!! It is so unique and they sell some really cool clothes! I bought some black tights from there and love them!

29 Dec 2012
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This store has been here forever and the clothes and accessories are fantastic, quirky and colourful! The staff are friendly and very helpful. I have been coming here over 15 years and have never been disappointed

biancabowie 27 Oct 2013

Lately I've found the service a little hit and miss. I think it's a shame, especially considering the competition stores face from online shopping. I'm sure it will get ironed out...

verified email - 16 Dec 2012
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****I have to update this review. Since Miss Gladys Sim Choon have a terrible gift voucher policy, I can't stand by my previous 5 star rating.
I bought a gift voucher for my sister, and it had a 3 MONTH run out date. That is RIDICULOUS. The gift voucher ran out before my sister used it, so I wasted money and she missed out on a gift.

I won't be returning to Miss Gladys. ********

This store is amazing! The clothes are fantastic. They stock a super eclectic range and have a bargain shoes floor on level 3.

And by buying at Miss Glady's, you are supporting a locally owned business.

I do find some of the ground floor shoes a wee bit overpriced, but that is just the same as everywhere in Adelaide.

I am often surprised to find a gorgeous bargain in Miss Glady's and I've been buying from them since I was 15. This place is an icon.

verified email - 13 Aug 2012
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My wife hauls me in very time we go by, though I hav to say it is an entertaining experience. They stock unique clothing, shoes and accessories and the prices are pretty good.

verified email - 04 Jun 2012
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Fantastic shop, have a wide variety of brands. They sell formal wear, and casual and have a huge selection of shoes

BarryBac 04 Jun 2012

Been around for years and has a great reputation

verified email - 02 Jun 2012
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This shop has a great location but is difficult to get around in the store. Excellent clothes and brands and reasonably priced for brand labels. Friendly staff

verified email - 29 Jun 2011
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Great clothes and shoes. Decent prices for their quality. Unique clothing that you won't find in every store. Helpful, not snobby staff.

verified email - 22 Nov 2010
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Fantastic clothing store with a huge variety to choose from. You can pick up something here for just about any occasion.

verified email - 03 Oct 2010
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fantastic. love their clothes, very different from anything else you can get! helpful staff, great value. Highly recommended

verified email - 16 Feb 2010
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An amazing variety of casual, funky and formal dressing. Prices very from fairly cheap to expensive so there is something to suit everyones budget. The best variety and individual styles of shoes I have seen in a long time in little old adelaide

verified email - 29 Jul 2009
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Miss Gladys is such a unique store. I love to shop here. They are often open much later than most stores. They were still open way past 10pm last Friday night. They have a great range of casual and formal wear along with shoes and accessories. It's a great place to go if you need a complete outfit fast. They are reasonably pricy but often have great sale items cheap.

verified email - 18 May 2009
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Love this store! The best thing about this store is that it is open at all hours. On a Friday or Saturday night it stays open till around 11:00- 12:00pm which is unheard of in Adelaide. They have an excellent range of expensive items and cheaper ones. So you can get G-Star or Ladakh. Love the store!