Rosso Pomodoro

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Reviews (3)

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verified email - 23 Nov 2015
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Food is absolutely delicious!! Probably one of the best italian eateries in Sydney (food wise). We ordered a range of pizzas and salads and loved each of our selections.
The ambience - not so great. Everybody is squished into a tiny little room, and waiters are constantly bumping into you as there is no room for them to walk between the tables. Also, there is only room for 1 pizza on the table, so if you wanted to eat your pizza and salad together, think again - they bring out the dishes one by one. Definitely recommend an upgrade in location because the food is superb but everything else is a let down.

Iloveshopping 21 Dec 2015

thanks for the review, have always wanted to try here, my sister in law raves about the place, what about the service any good ?

Iloveshopping 26 Mar 2016

yet to try this place but have heard so many mixed reviews thanks again

localperson 26 Mar 2016

Hi Iloveshopping,
Service is efficient, but I just didnt like that they only bring out one plate/pizza at at time (due to space restrictions). They get very busy so its often difficult to get waiter's attention, however, they are friendly and polite, and do their best to make your dining experience pleasant.

verified email - 06 Sep 2013
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If you want good authentic pizza, must come will not find better...guaranteed! Staff are Italian, great service. The prosciutto & mozzarella are flavoursome and not bland, the bases light and crispy. Reasonably priced. Only negative is the slightly too small room that diners get packed in. It's always been busy and vibrant each time I've been. This restaurant is definitely a Sydney gem.

verified email - 02 Aug 2010
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Authentic Italian pizza! if you have been to Italy then you will be able to compare & agree. Served my Italian's & made by Italian's, just what you like to see, makes the experience more authentic. Fresh simple ingredients, try & get a pizza with the buffalo mozzarella YUMMO, check the specials board too. All waiters will run through the specials with you, its a very packed place so bookings are essential, either at 6pm or 8pm, service is fast so you won't be waiting long to eat. Finish off with the mixed dessert plate, a slice of tiramisu, cup of gelato & a panna cottoa! Casual atmosphere.

Approximate cost: $20