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Reviews for THE BOOK BUFF (2)

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verified email - 26 Mar 2013
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The store is right arcoss from 9 ways and if very convenent to catch a bus to. They also offer $2 cans or drink which is great value considering Desa's sells cans for $3.50!! The're books are great and I have often got into a argument with some of the guys there about religion, homosexuality and other hot topic. But they are great for a convo and a cheap can of Coke.

Approximate cost: $2

25 Mar 2013
Service Rating
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Value Rating

Been to this second hand bookshop twice in the last couple of months and It didnt really have the WOW factors at all. The shop is well organised but i found the selection minimal with prices being slightly high.

The service was not that great either, they are nice but would make conversation thats best left for close friends (EG: religion). I came to look at books not have conversation about religion...

I found some books i liked but they where in the worst condition ever but where still marked as a good condition copy.

Wouldnt recommend.