The Vitality Clinic

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Reviews (3)

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verified email - 16 Nov 2014
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Been attending classes at Vitality regularly for over a year and love it! They have now relocated to a quite studio next to The Good Loaf bakery. Classes are usually intimate and relaxed.

verified email - 03 Oct 2013
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I'm on a health and fitness kick and have just discovered vitality. Being a yoga novice, I was a little nervous, but really enjoyed it and was made to feel so at home and comfortable. The prices are good. I bought a beginners package deal and am halfway through it.

Approximate cost: $100

verified email - 29 Jun 2013
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Value Rating

Good range of yoga classes to suit everyone. Flexible timetable with classes both during the day and at night. I have found the instructors to be both knowledgeable and friendly. $100 for a 8 week beginner course (1 session per week). Located above Brewhouse Coffee, entrance is in Hargreaves St.