Waikerie Mechanical

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Reviews (2)

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verified email - 12 Jun 2021
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Hubby booked our car in at the wrong place. Work they did on the car was ok. Bloke a bit rude though

Approximate cost: $300

verified email - 31 Aug 2013
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Value Rating

If I could do minus stars I would. The only reason I took my car here was cos it was on gas. They are the worst. The motor needed to be really fixed was told it would be between $2000 and $2500. Was told it would be done in one month. After 3 & half weeks went in to see how it was going. It hasnt been started we needed it in 10 days. Finally after 3 months it was finished. Funny cost spot on $2500. It was over I gave you discount. Drove to the petrol station filled up with gas and petrol, drive down the road switch over to gas and the car chugged and sputtered, turned around went back. We had only been gone 2o minutes. A wire was off. Was told we must have run over something on our block. We were gone 20 mins we live 30 mins from Waikerie. I could tell you more and more. There car went in there as a piece of shit and actually came out just as bad.