“Needed an obscure tiny plastic part for the windscreen cleaner. Looked in all the usual places - no joy. Chanced upon Hemi Performance. Their website”…
“I had the privilege of working with Fiona through several sessions this year. Whilst somewhat skeptical of the reviews of "fast-paced"change, I have”…
“Jeff and the team are professional, friendly and reasonably priced. They stopped me from buying a dodgy car from a dealer with a vehicle inspection.”…
“Korryn is so knowledgeable and supportive when it comes to my business. I cannot recommend her highly enough to others. She provides such an amazing”…
“If you're willing to put in the work, this is a wonderful asymmetric opportunity that can genuinely replace your income (and more)! Prior to”…
“Thu Huynh has been my tax accountant for a number of years and her service is exceptional. Thu has an extensive understanding of the Australian tax”…