Reviews by michaelc151

This review is for Life and Career Coach Fiona Spence, Brisbane QLD

01 Feb 2024

The breakthrough you need.

Fiona is very knowledgeable on a vast range of areas, so it was really good to chat to her, not just about the psychology side of things, but also business, travel, and all the other bits and pieces that give you that holistic approach to your progress.

Fiona she knows the right questions to ask so she knows how to dig deep and really draw out information from you, and help you to know and align with your values.

What most surprised me about working with Fiona was that she didn't restrict the session to say 60 Minutes. We just sat and we talked, and she drew the information out of me until we got to the end and found that solution.

I've found lots of coaches in the past have been restricted to that 60-minute session which was never enough time to sort everything out.

With Fiona we got to the point and I got the clarity I required and it was a really enjoyable experience. So if you are considering a coach 100% Fiona Spence is the person you need.

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