Reviews by kellyl70

This review is for Elise Peck Life Coach, Avalon Beach NSW

verified email - 14 May 2022

Before beginning Elise's coaching I was really frustrated with my husband that he wasn’t helping me enough at home. I felt he was no longer there for me even when he was physically there at home. I couldn’t feel his love for me and I wasn’t able to share my true feelings to him because when I did, I often felt like he couldn’t understand me as my feelings got denied or he just checked out emotionally from me especially when I shared the hard feelings ... so I wasn’t getting the love and fulfilment I desire deep down inside of me, and I didn’t know what else to do to make things better....and to not repeat the same conflicts over and over again. So many times during conflicts, I felt like I can’t do this relationship thing anymore, I have to leave because it was too painful.
Since beginning Elise's coaching I now feel so much more happier and that I got this, I finally understand how for years I was doing it all wrong, we were doing it all wrong, we were stuck in power struggle and we didn’t have the knowledge and the skills to move beyond it.... and this new level of me new hope in my relationship. I feel like I can breathe again. I also feel so much lighter and that I can be myself, and that I am already love. Physically I sleep better and I have more energy (because I am not focusing on all the “bad” things in the relationship). I’m taking time for myself as I realize that is really important when I am being myself and knowing how to do things to make myself happy - rather than expecting my husband to make me happy. I feel a new sense of self-love, I can see the bright side in life and that makes me feel excited about the future. What I like the most about Elise's coaching is that she totally understands where I am at and knows what to do to help me move forward.
If I had to describe Elise's coaching in a single word or phrase it would be: "phenomenal".
Thank you so much Elise! I’m super grateful for you and I am happy that I have made the decision to reach out to you for help and support. You are amazing!

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