Therapy Lights Australia
Infrared Red Light Therapy Devices

Try infrared red light therapy today at TLA, the world’s
largest range of red infrared light therapy devices

TLA Commercial Red Light Therapy Panel In Use

Therapy Lights Australia
Infrared Red Light Therapy Devices

Try infrared red light therapy today at TLA
the world’s largest range of red infrared
light therapy devices

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Why Therapy Lights Australia?

Since well before inception, Therapy Lights Australia (TLA) have only worked with pioneers in the red light therapy field. By critically designing red infrared light therapy devices in Australia for Australians TLA has become the market leader. We strive to offer the most premium quality red and near infrared light therapy devices available for sale, with integrity and customer service to match.
Find out more about Therapy Lights Australia here!

Full body LED light therapy panel


Therapy Lights Australia has an interest in helping human beings perform at their peak. Red and near infrared (NIR) light wavelengths trigger a natural process within the body called photobiomodulation (PBM).

Naturally this process of PBM should occur almost daily in the early morning and late afternoon sunlight, helping to modulate your body’s production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), a key element in cellular regeneration.

As we spend more time indoors and less time in natural light than ever before, the natural process of PBM can be greatly inhibited. Thus, TLA has captured the beneficial wavelengths of naturally occurring sunlight, and put them in neat packages giving you access to indoor photobiomodulation!

Why Red & Near Infrared Light?

Numerous studies have shown that modern humans are not getting as much red and near infrared (NIR) light as our ancestors did. When we factor in modern day lighting, living and working conditions, it is obvious that lighting has become less natural in modern times.
So why not bring red and near infrared light inside? TLA panels contain red and infrared wavelengths of light WITHOUT any nasty UV rays or EMFs.
Shop for red & infrared light therapy devices here!

Red & Infrared Light for Dogs, Cats & Horses

A lot like modern humans, modern pets are spending more time indoors than ever before. It is therefore no surprise that veterinary clinics worldwide are using infrared red LED light therapy for pets including dogs, cats and horses!

The red and near infrared LED light devices we use as humans are exactly the same as those used with pets. TLA devices all produce red and NIR light, and they are not fussy about who for!