Australian B2B is your Australian business database company in Mornington, Victoria. Australian Business to Business maintains a database which includes 47,685 companies, 56,041 executive names. The Australian Business to Business database is used daily by sales and marketing departments, government, research departments, purchasing departments, chambers of commerce, executive search and recruitment professionals, corporate finance, mergers and acquisition consultants, export consultants, libraries. Information on Australian companies is available for purchase on-line, on CD, or in hard copy. Please go to search database to input your list requirements and get a count of applicable opportunity companies from our database. We will even provide you with 3 sample companies from your search at no charge! The Australian Business to Business database makes you money by finding new customers and saves you money by finding new suppliers. Australian Business to Business can provide you with a unique opportunity to market your business in both Australia and overseas markets. Approximately 40% of Australian Business to Business users falls into the research, technical and purchasing categories. These users, located throughout in the world, are looking for new suppliers of goods and services. Australian Business to Business can provide you with a unique opportunity to market your business in both Australia and overseas markets. We provide service to our customers in the area of Australia, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, and Hobart.