Awesome Water

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Reviews for Awesome Water (1)

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verified email - 08 Jan 2013
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We are located in NSW and have had a freestanding water cooler from Awesome Water for about 2 years. We saw one on display at the local shopping centre and took advantage of a free month trial. Previous to this we used have a filter that we hooked up to the tap, then went to buying bottled water from the supermarket.

What I love about this system is the 7 stage filtration system (see and always having cool fresh drinking water on tap. If you compare this to what comes out of the tap, you can really taste the difference. We clean our unit every month, and our filter is changed every 6months and cleaned. They charge $65 to change your filter which you need to do at least twice a year.

We drink a lot of water and this has saved us a fortune in bottled water. I also like the idea that the water is freshly filtered rather than water that has been sitting long term in a plastic bottle.

I don't think Awesome Water display their coolers at shopping centres anymore in in New South Wales but you can phone the main number and they can send one out for a free trial.
I am really happy with the product and it has encouraged us to drink far more water. We keep a lot of cups handy for guests who can help theirself anytime.

The product and the service from Awesome Waters has been very good and I'm glad I have one of these smart looking units. Ours has a built in mini fridge and hot water outlet as well (although we hardly use it - it is hot enough to make a coffee).

The main website links to which seems to provide the sales and support.