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Inpower Fitness

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Opening hours


6:00am to 8:00pm


6:00am to 8:00pm


6:00am to 8:00pm


6:00am to 8:00pm


6:00am to 8:00pm


8:00am to 8:00pm

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Premier Personal Training in North Sydney Are you serious about getting fit and staying healthy
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business portfolio Carmel
business portfolio Hamish
business portfolio Marius
business portfolio Troy

Reviews for Inpower Fitness (5)

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1 review · 200 points
verified email - 07 Feb 2022
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Troy is an amazing trainer! I have had my fair share of trainers throughout the years, and I have never met a trainer who is as knowledgeable and proactive in learning about the best training techniques for his clients. Troy is very genuine and not your typical trainer. Inpower also has a great client base of friendly people, which makes group training that bit more enjoyable!

1 review · 200 points
verified email - 07 Feb 2022
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I have been attending InPower for a number of years now which says something in itself! Troy is continuously trying to better himself by keeping up to date with the latest in fitness which only benefits his clients. He is always willing to cater to any injury; alternatively he certainly knows how to extend you so you achieve your best results. No session is ever the same which makes it fun yet challenging.

verified email - 07 Feb 2022
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I joined Inpower Fitness over a year ago and have never regretted that decision! The classes are a great size and more importantly Troy is an excellent trainer. He is always coming up with new workouts and is great about keeping your individual level and injuries in mind. Troy is also very dedicated to the constant improvement of his services and utilises research to guide his training. I would highly recommend this gym to anyone regardless of their current fitness level or personal goals.

1 review · 200 points
verified email - 07 Feb 2022
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I joined Inpower Fitness nine years ago as I wanted to improve my fitness and athletic ability. Initially I only planned to use Troy's services for three months to prepare me for my soccer season, however, I found it so invaluable that I never left. I have used Troy's personal training as well as his group classes and regardless of the context or my fitness goals at the time, he provides me with the best individualised training plan that caters for my injuries and helps improve my weaknesses. Troy has successfully helped me to overcome and/or manage several chronic injuries. He has also taught me a lot about fitness and sustainable lifestyle choices that help to keep me healthy. Troy often attends workshops to improve his services and uses the latest technology to enhance/track performance. I have already recommended Troy to several close friends and will continue to do so!

1 review · 200 points
verified email - 07 Feb 2022
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Troy has a quote up on the wall in his gym, it says "Your body can stand almost anything, it's your mind that you have to convince." That perfectly sums up what training with Troy has helped me achieve both in and out of the Gym. Through being able to push through my mental limits in the gym I'm able to persevere more at things and challenges in life. Troy's resilient and upbeat energy is contagious! I feel like a new person and a better version of myself after each session with him. Troy is an incredible trainer and an expert in his field. He is passionate about what he does and is always learning new things, keeping up to date with developments in the industry which enables him to make sure you're getting the best result. He knows your limits and helps you push through them. His approach is holistic and guides what supplements will benefit you most . He knows which are the best quality supplements and recommends specific ones just for you based on skin folds tests that he does.