Keysborough Egg Farm

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Reviews for Keysborough Egg Farm (4)

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verified email - 15 Jul 2012
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Even though its out of the way, Keysborough Egg Farm is affordable and saves you alot of money. They have alot of meats and eggs there and I'll be going back there again.

sandrar6 15 Jul 2012

If I am out that way I will check it out.


verified email - 15 Jan 2010
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my husband and i went to an egg farm yesterday. i haven't been to one before. i was happy to find chicken livers there (i made some nice pate with it) at a very good price. we also bought 30 eggs for the price of $5.50. i am definitely going back there. next time i am going to buy lamb and beef as well.

verified email - 26 Aug 2009
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Keysborough Egg Fam is very affordable. Their prices are cheap whilst the quality of various meats, chicken and eggs are great. I always visit this place to purchase eggs - it is very affordable and with the food you purchase you won't be disappointed!

verified email - 31 Oct 2008
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I go and get a tray of 36 rough eggs for $4 and they sell fresh chicken, my daughter loves there popcorn chicken and it can be frozen and pulled out for a snack, The chicken Kiev's are soooo juicy, it's crazy