Mr Negotiator

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verified email - 04 Feb 2009

At the start of the year I was looking to purchase a new Honda Accord Euro. While looking for information on the web I came across the Mr Negotiator website. From the testimonials and info on the site I was impressed. I emailed them with the details of the car I wanted and they commenced negotiating with dealers on my behalf. The gentleman who looked after me wasn't pushy and didn't try to force me into a sale, and they did also offer a full tank of fuel and free car mats. All of this was very good, until I started doing some of my own ringing around car dealers. The promise on the website of "We guarantee that we will beat your price," turned out to be an empty one. During our last conversation the representative for Mr Negotiator said that I 'won't do better than this price, I do this every day and this is the absolute lowest you can get this car.' I don't consider myself to be a master negotiator by any stretch of the imagination but I was still able to get the car I wanted for $1310 LESS than Mr Negotiator's best offer. Car mats and a tank of premium fuel may be good, but they are not worth $1300!

Approximate cost: $0