Pocket Trader

check icon 4.5 (2)

Reviews (2)

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verified email - 26 Apr 2013
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The pocket trader is one of mackays most popular way to sell and buy goods/rent a room etc.it is free to advertise,though the book now costs $4.it comes out every fortnight on a Friday.you can advertise everything from rooms for rent,cars for sale,wanted work,community notices,baby items etc.ypu can advertise by email,phoning them or writing,so very covenient.

Approximate cost: $Free

verified email - 25 Apr 2013
Service Rating
Quality Rating
Value Rating

Put an ad up for renting rooms in my house at no cost to myself, and the ad appeared in the next fortnightly edition of their periodical which is a top seller in Mackay. Very efficient and clever service, which attracts heaps of ads which serve as a buy, swap and sell forum similar to Trading Post.

Approximate cost: $FREE!

lilbundle 26 Apr 2013

Very accurate review!