The system itself is really good quality and 2 months in and I am making massive savings and i've been printing far more than I use too - including photos - I always avoided printing photos with OEM's as its drained all the ink and cost SOOOOO MUCH!!!IF you want to print more at a lower cost, you should invest in a Rihac CISS system!
Approximate cost: $120
I bought a RIHAC CISS from a store here in Adelaide. The idea is fantastic - a continuous ink supply saving you time and hassle changing cartridges as well as money - the amount of ink is fantastic and would save you a fortune from buying cartridge after cartridge.
Unfortunately for us we ran into a couple of problems; which are likely more to do with us than the CISS but I'll mention them anyway.
Installation - it was quite fiddly to install on our EPSON printer; we never quite got it right and so always had some fiddly issues with the line feed into the printer, and we were forever having to reset the computer into thinking the cartridge had just been changed before it would print. I'd suggest, if you're at all unsure, pay extra to have it installed professionally, which was an option at the shop we bought it at - but fairly pricey which was why we had a go at home. In hindsight I should have ponied up the extra $$.
Longevity - if you happen to go through a spell of not using the printer much, I found that the ink lines receded/dried up and it took quite a lot of effort to get the lines running cleanly again. This is probably our issue for not printing as much as a CISS really warrants to enjoy the savings.
Oh, i just recalled another point too - we moved house and the ink tank came a cropper and splashed all over the carpet. I was horrified until I easily cleaned up the ink by just first blotting with some paper towel, then blotting with a sponge and water then blotting with paper towel again. It came up perfect.
So overall - kudos to RIHAC for a great idea and great quality product - if you print a lot and regularly I'd recommend one wholeheartedly.
Approximate cost: $150.00
I've been using CISS from RIHAC now for about 6 months and really felt the need to write a review as I'm really chuffed with how the system is working – and best of all I've not had to change any cartridges in that time and have no doubt saved an absolute fortune for not doing so!
I had two concerns when I purchased this system. The first being the install into my printer (I'm not the most tech savvy person) but wow, it was easy, and in maybe 20 minutes I was up and running. Would probably be much quicker for more technically minded folks!!!
Secondly I was hoping that it was not going to stuff up my printer and resulting prints (have heard of horror stories about the cheap imported stuff) but I've never had a problem. In fact I'd almost got to say that the colours are more vibrant than I was getting. Perhaps its because I'm happy to set things on the highest print quality now as I'm not freaking out about using too much ink anymore.
I've recommended the RIHAC inks to my friends and family and have had only positive feedback. Like me, they were feeling ripped off at the cost of Canon, Epson etc ink.
Approximate cost: $130
Have used one of their CISS for approx. two & a half years with excellent results & great savings (Approx. $1500). Although it can be a little fiddly in adjustment at times (Canon IP4000) the system gives very worthwhile results. Service is courteous & delivery prompt.
Regards Bony.P
Here is a Business who have got it right for the customer as well as themselves!
Approximate cost: $150
We purchased a continuous inking system from this company. We chose them because we didn't want to enter credit card details over the net. We ordered the product, then went to the bank and did a direct deposit into their account. After emailing them a copy of the bank details, the product was sent immediately. The whole process took only 2 days. We will definitely do business with them again.