Andy's Water Transport

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Reviews for Andy's Water Transport (7)

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verified email - 27 Nov 2015
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These guys are great for when we are running low on water, they usually delivery on the same day of placing the order, even on a Sunday. The only thing I don't like is that the prices to going up every year, this year it is $225 per load of 9,000 ltrs, I believe it is becoming way to expensive, but we have no choice as we do not have mains water here, only what the sky wants to give us and that hasn't been very generous this year.

verified email - 17 Nov 2015
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You can always rely on Andy's Water Transport to deliver very nice filtered water, 9,000 litres to be exact. Service is always prompt, quite often delivered within 2 hours, depending on how busy they are of course. Payment can be made on the day or you have 28 days to pay.

happyshopping 17 Nov 2015

Nice to have plenty of water available. It is a necessity

verified email - 13 Jan 2015
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Had to call Andy's Water Transport for some filtered water as our tanks were just about dry. Very prompt friendly service, usually same day delivery but once again the price has gone up, it is now $215 a load. You do not have to pay on the day of delivery, they allow 28 days for payment.

Approximate cost: $215 per load

happyshopping 13 Jan 2015

Water is something you cannot do without

verified email - 17 Dec 2014
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Have been ordering filtered water from Andy for many years now and have always found them to be reliable and friendly. I like that it is same day delivery, well they try, depends how busy they are. I wouldn't fill our pool with their water is it would be way too expensive, their are others that do it cheaper but you would drink their water. Andy has the best tasting water and service is excellent.

verified email - 28 Feb 2014
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Had to order some water from Andy a couple of times this summer, they had always delivered on the day I order, which is great. Always friendly with great tasting filtered water. Unfortunately the price seems to be going up quite a bit each year, it is now $205 for 9,000 litres.

Approximate cost: $205 per load

verified email - 19 Aug 2013
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A good service for when you run out of water in your rainwater tank, have used them several times during the hot periods. Very handy to have them locally, friendly service. Average sized truck that can fit into most areas to pump water into your tank.

verified email - 12 Aug 2013
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Andy's Water Transport has been helping us and many other families out for many years. They deliver 9,000 litres of filtered water to your property (mainly our water tanks) as we do not have mains water and of course usually run out during summer due to lack of rain. Many properties order the water to fill their dams (to make sure there is water incase of fires or for their stock) They offer same day delivery, 7 days a week. Payment is due within 28 days. They are always punctual and very friendly. They offer excellent service.

Approximate cost: $190