Antique Bazaar Of Strathalbyn

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verified email - 27 Apr 2016
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My husband and i enjoy walking though all the antique stores in Stathalbyn as there are quite a few. We found the Bazaar to be the best, it is quite large and we were so impressed with all the numerous items they have. We purchased an old lantern and paid less than the ticketed price. Just ask, they are more than happy to lower the price if you are paying with cash. We spent quite some time browsing, they have books, vinyl records, china, cutlery, old toys, war items including bullets, hats and clothing. We really enjoyed ourselves and will be returning with visiting friends soon.

verified email - 21 Aug 2012
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I could spend all day here, with dozens of stalls under the one roof. My son found some old football cards and the lady let him have them for less than the price ticketed.

Approximate cost: $15.00

grahamwendym 21 Aug 2012

Couldn't agree more, not only is the shop a treasure trove of old goodies but they are always looking for stuff to sell. See my review below.

verified email - 10 Jun 2011
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We went to the Antique Bazaar at Strathalbyn some time ago and was amazed at the amount of old china,cutlery, books, games and numerous other nick nacks. Many brought back memories like old records, comics, beer cans, bottles and many other items of yesteryear. This compelled us to do some searching and cleaning out when we got home. Since then we have called Brett a number of times to check over items that may be of interest to him for his shop. We found Brett to be a friendly, courteous, and sincere chap who returned our calls promptly when we had goods to offer. He knows exactly what he wants and will not keep you guessing as to his requirements. He paid cash on the spot for all articles he required. If if any one is looking to clean up grandma's place of if you have items from a deceased estate or any old heirlooms from great granddad's, these are the items that Brett is interested in. The shop is a great place to browse and who knows, you may be able to pick up that special old something.