Cinema Paradiso

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Reviews for Cinema Paradiso (3)

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#4542 in
1 review · 300 points
12 Nov 2014
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I've always been a fan of the massive screen blockbuster experience, but over the years I have been increasingly seduced by Cinema Paridiso's excellent range of films, which tends to cater for the forgotten MAJORITY of people who want to see movies with good story lines and strong characterisations; it's customer focus, which now includes a range of foods and soft and alcoholic drinks (in proper glasses) that can be taken into the auditoriums; and then I realised that at least two of its four cinemas do offer a cinematic experience, in terms of size and quality, that more than matches that of the mega complexes, and beats, hands down, the 'Gold-type' classes offered elsewhere for sheer comfort and viewing pleasure. I have been there four times this week because the British Film Festival is on (one of many international festivals it hosts), and it has been a real joy. They also have a membership scheme to lower prices for regular uses, which makes it a cheap experience amidst the spiralling expense of life in Australia.

Approximate cost: $15

verified email - 31 May 2012
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the closest cinema to where i'm temporarily living in perth. great selection of foreign and contemporary films but a bit overpriced. popcorn could have been a bit fresher (it had been cooked that morning and sat there all day) and cheaper and disappointed that although there were cups, spoons and sugars and coffee on the menu, i couldnt actually purchase one. liked the tiny cosy cinema and the fact that the movie started on time, something sadly lacking in the bigger cinemas

Approximate cost: $20

verified email - 08 Jul 2011
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Paradiso (now luna/palace) has consistently been the best cinema for foreign language or arthouse films since it opened in the 90's. Tickets aren't cheap and there is a small foyer but it's comfortable, staff are friendly and I love that it has survived the tough times so that Perth residents can see films we'd otherwise miss at the cinema.

Approximate cost: $20