Image Sense

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1 review · 0 points
verified email - 06 Dec 2014
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Some friends got together and invited me to join them in a colour playshop that Joanne was running. I found knowing what other colours I can try useful and also learned that you dress with as much contrast you have naturally between your skin-tone, hair colour and eye colour, as you do in your clothing.
I think I will be willing to try colours that I have never tried before.
I can recommend this workshop because it can help you get more value out of what you can buy because you know it will look good!

1 review · 0 points
verified email - 06 Dec 2014
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I really enjoyed spending time with 0Joanne today too and found it very helpful. I can recommend doing this Colour Consult with Joanne. She makes it an enjoyable experience with her warm and friendly personality.
The colour swatch will be very useful in keeping me on track in going shopping. Already I have taken big steps in giving away things that don't suit me.
Her styling and shape section was very helpful and will set me on the right path to selecting and understanding what suits my shape.
Because of this I know I will feel good about myself and have confidence. Also I will be spending my money more wisely.

#1 in North Tamborine QLD
1 review · 600 points
verified email - 25 Feb 2013
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It is with delight I recommend the Colour Sense consultation with Jo, for the first time in years I am excited about fashion again. I love fashion but had been nervous to use colours I was unsure of. Jo has given me back the confidence to know how colours best work together and how they complement my image. I now have the tools to know how to build my wardrobe and feel confident when wearing new styles and colours. I was apprehensive about spending the money at first but I now see it was true value for money and can see the benefits now and into the future. This is a worthwhile investment and I would definitely recommend it as gift for a special friend, or as necessity for yourself.

Approximate cost: $250

Image Sense 01 Mar 2013

It was my pleasure to show you your signature colour range Michelle and to see the positive changes it has made to you and your wardrobe! Having used a personal colour swatch myself over 25 years has shown me the value of a colour consultation and that it makes our choices so much easier to make when shopping.

#2 in Bell Park VIC
1 review · 720 points
verified email - 09 May 2012
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I spent the best part of a day with Joanne from Image Sense. During that time she conducted a personal style consultation then followed it up by escorting me on a personal shopping tour.

I was more than impressed not only with the result but how thorough and personal the consultation was, the end result being an understanding of my own personal style and how that relates to garment choice that compliments my lifestyle, personality and body shape.

Not only did I end up with a number of pieces that fit well, look great and work well together but as an individual I now possess the skills needed to make wise decisions when it comes to purchasing clothes in the future.

I wholeheartedly recommend this service to anyone whose wardrobe is fill of clothes they don't wear anymore, needs a new image or is looking for increased confidence in the public arena, it was money well spent!

Approximate cost: $465