Leading Edge Computers

check icon 4.5 (2)

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Reviews (2)

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verified email - 22 Feb 2013
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Good product and support. Good service level. Not the cheapest BUT have been around for a long time where other businesses have failed and gone broke.

Good range on hand and always very keen to help with any problems.

If you need something more than a teenage nerd to talk jargon this is the place to look for a new Computer.

verified email - 04 Oct 2012
Service Rating
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Value Rating

Gavin is one of the most delightful people you can meet. He has been in the PC industry seemingly since the day Bill Gates invented MS Dos (thanks to IBM). He has adjusted well to retail when it comes to the computer industry, as so many businesses have come and gone. He switched his focus from games, to hardware & service. Since they have moved into larger premises.