TigerTurf Australia

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verified email - 25 Jun 2018
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I had my TigerTurf (Summer Envy), synthetic lawn installed 8 years ago. The look of the lawn was important to me. A lot of the synthetic lawns that I had seen did not resemble the ‘real deal’ and I wanted a natural looking lawn. After doing my research, I settled on the TigerTurf lawn (Summer Envy), as the product looked so real it even had tiny brown thatch specks in it for extra realism. The synthetic lawn has huge benefits. Water saving costs was one of the main reasons for installation, but it is also an excellent deterrent for weeds. If weeds do manage to take hold, they can easily be pulled out or sprayed.
A school is located close by to my property, and many families walking to / back from school comment on how lovely the lawn looks.
About 3 years ago, I noticed that a section of the lawn (near the join), had separated. Over time, this area of the lawn has widened into a gap.
I contacted the installer who said he would come and take a look. As he lives in Hillarys he advised that he was unsure when he would be able to come as he doesn’t get many jobs in my area. After numerous unanswered phone messages and phone calls, the installer advised that it was not worth his while (due to distance), to look at the lawn, and the installation was ‘out of warranty’. The installer also advised that it would not be cost effective (to him), to remedy the issue.
I contacted TigerTurf (Melbourne), and told them my story. The company felt that this was an installation issue, and said they would be in further contact with me once they had contacted the installer. TigerTurf did contact the installer, and they advised me that it was highly unlikely that the installer would attend.
TigerTurf were extremely understanding about my frustration and the lack of action and reaction of the installer. During this time I also contacted an independent lawn installer to look at the lawn and he said that the original installer did not use enough glue at the seams.
Meanwhile, the TigerTurf Company (Melbourne), contacted a Perth installer to look at the problem. This installer inspected the lawn and he was of the same opinion that the original installer did not use enough glue at the seams, and that the glue should have been applied to a much wider distance along the seam line (on both sides of the lawn) - not just along the seam line.
The outcome of my dilemma is that I have had my lawn fixed by TigerTurf even though they were under no obligation to do so. I would like to thank the TigerTurf Company for funding the ‘fix it’ job, and remedying the gap in the lawn. IT IS MUCH APPRECIATED, and it looks wonderful again.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the TIGERTURF lawn for its looks and durability. It is a great product. I also recommend that when selecting a synthetic lawn that the purchaser also contacts the supplier (such as Tiger Turf), to ask for an installer that they recommend.
Canning Vale